Chapter Eight

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You're sitting on the bathroom floor, Naofumi laughing to himself and smacking the surface of the water. You cupped some bubbles, placing them on the top of his head and Naofumi let out the most adorable laugh. You smiled grimly to yourself, knowing its a few days until Hawks, pro heroes, and the students from U.A. are going to go against the League of Villains. You aren't sure what's going to happen and you're worried about what could possibly happen.

Hawks is currently in his office, probably going over his book that held the secret about the League of Villains and what they've been planning. He has to leave tonight to go back to their base and you can only worry about this. Hawks had finally told you one day, everything from the Hero Public Safety Commissions wanting him to join the League and to literally what's been happening. He trusts you and you wouldn't ever betray his trust.

However, it's concerning.

You know of the League of Villains, knowing what they're capable of and you just couldn't believe that Hawks was able to get into their ranks. You know deep down that Hawks wouldn't ever become a villain, but you just don't trust those in the League. Hawks hasn't told you anything really about the individual villains in there, but you know of some of them because of the incidents regarding U.A. and the League. Still, you and Hawks had a long conversation.

When the time had come to talk, Hawks had wanted to you to stay at home. You had argued with him that you wanted to take part and battle against the League who had been changed to Paranormal Liberation Front. You and Hawks had argued all night, Naofumi being woken up from the loud talking and you or Hawks would put him back to sleep. In the end, Hawks has told you that Dabi is aware the two of you have a child and Hawks isn't sure who else in that group could possibly know about Naofumi. He wasn't even sure who had watched the Hero Billboard because if they did then they'd know he has a kid.

You had calmed down when Hawks had told you that. He had expressed his fear to you if something were to happen to Naofumi then he would be devastated and you would be, too. The Paranormal Liberation Front wouldn't know when the heroes are going to attack because it's going to be a surprise, but Hawks wouldn't know what to do if you and him were fighting the Front while Naofumi is vulnerable. So, you decided to stay at home with Naofumi in case one of the villains try to hurt Naofumi.

Hawks believes you are strong enough so he wouldn't be concerned if you are protecting Naofumi.

You grabbed the bottle of baby shampoo, rubbing some into your hand to spread it out more and you placed your hands on Naofumi's head. He has a small amount of hair on the top of his head, but you'd still like to keep his hair clean. His hair is a light color, you figure that he's going to have blonde hair like his father. You rubbed your hands on his head, playing with the hair and you tried to make it into a little horn, but Naofumi doesn't have enough hair, yet.

"[Name]?" Hawks called out.

You looked over your shoulder, seeing Hawks lean against the doorframe of the bathroom. He has his hero clothes on and you looked away from him. You don't want him to go to the Paranormal hideout. You really don't, but he has to and you wish you could stop him. You could hear his footsteps as he gets closer to you and Naofumi smiles, his hands going out to Hawks. Hawks chuckled, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Are you hungry?" Hawks asked, his eyes focusing on you.

You shook your head, grabbing the cup and scooping water into it. You placed your hand on Naofumi's forehead, pouring the water on his head and the purpose of your hand on his forehead is so the water doesn't get into his eyes. Naofumi lets out a little noise, his eyes focused on his father and you let out a quiet sigh.

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