Chapter 41: When the Levee Breaks

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Elena woke up and she was in a cellar. She was happy she still had her purse. Her phone started to ring. She took it out."Hello"

"Where the hell are you" Rebekah asked.

"I have no clue don't tell them if they asked i just needed a few days Dahlia needs to be there focus" Elena said.

"But what about Angel" Rebekah asked.

"Call Cami ask her to keep Angel for a few more days" Elena said.

"Ok get back soon" Rebekah said.

"Trust me i will" Elena said She hung up and tried to break the chains. But was unsuccessful.

Someone walks in."Elena Gilbert. Sorry if you don't remember me i had to take precautions. I can't allow you to be used in this battle. This one you need to stand down and let them face her alone. "

"I don't abandon family let me out i have to help them" Elena said.

"Sorry but no can do. Let Davina help them while we train you. Angel will be fine. We've Called your friend your brother they agree with us"

"Who the hell are you" Elena asked.

"A friend of your boyfriend i've met you once. When he was here we met but lets just say i never let people remember me i'm Abigail. Your not a prisoner here" Abigail took the chains off and helped her stand.

"Why can't i be in this" Elena asked.

"You need to focus on what you can control and right now your struggling with magic so for the next few days we will work with you then you will be able to go home" Abigail said. She opened the door and led Elena to where a lot of girls were

"I don't understand" Elena said/

"Witches used to be the greater species but now were slowly diterating. Your boyfriend although a vampire held us to a high responsibility having been one himself. He missed his magic and he found it in the objects he made. Here are witches that have been outcasts. People that have ran from there covens witches  that Kol helped. It's basically a witch camp some strong some week." Abigail said.

"I still don't get it" Elena said.

"The next full moon is in a week you and Kol will go back together to save your daughter. Then we make sure no one else in your family die and say sorry and basically apologize for everything that he has helped us with." Abigail said.

"Ok when do we start" Elena said.

"Now" Abigail said.


Elena had trained all day it was now night and her phone was ringing."Hello"

"Little sister where are you" Klaus asked.

"Training. Getting stronger. I'll be back in a week and were going to defeat her when i do arrive. What happened."

"My father is dead. Rebekah and Elijah are questioning there loyalites and she plans to come for them. I guess it's up to me and you to get rid of her once and for all" Klaus said,

"Elijah will figure out something he always does" Elena said."And if not then were going to handle it and anyone who gets in my way is dead"

"Cami stopped by with Angel i'm moving them into your room Dahlia flowers grew at her place" Klaus said."Little sister becareful come back safe"

"I will by NIk" Elena said. She hung up."When i get him back were coming back and that witch is dead."

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