Chapter 15(Telling Them & Realization)

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3rd P.O.V.
"I got asked M.C."Anna said.

"W-wait, what?!"Alix said.

"Yeah, crazy, I know,"

"Guys, I got asked out too,"Brianna said.

"You too?!"Tori said.

"Wait so did you?"Anna said.

"Yeah, by Rebel,"

"I got asked out by Caesar,"Brianna said.

"I got asked out by Anthony,"Alix said then they both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"You didn't tell me?!"they both said."I asked you first! No, I did!"

Then the 4 continued going back and fourth. Aaliyah looked away and said faintly."I got asked out by Swift..."

They stopped and surprisingly heard it through their yelling then said at the same time."WHAT?!"

Aaliyah cringed a little at their yelling.

"Yeah...did you girls say yes?"Aaliyah said.

"Yeah,"they said.

"Same..."Aaliyah said then bit her lip nervously as she thought.

"What's on your mind, Leah?"Alix said.

"Well...I-It's just that, don't get me wrong, Swift is a good guy now, but...I still have feelings for someone else. Do I still want to go on that date with Swift? Yes, I do. But, do I wish it was the other guy? Yes, I do. Do I feel insecure, no matter who would have asked me? Yes! I always do!"

"Whoa! Calm down, Lea, you're over thinking again...Who's the other guy?"Tori said.

"Uhh...A guy,"

"Is he a mutant or human?"


"Is he actually cute?"Anna said."Because some of your taste in guys is WTF,"

"You know what you should get Ann?"Aaliyah said.



Anna scoffed then turned away with a huff crossing her arms.

"Okay, but are we seriously going to ignore the fact that we all got asked out on the same day? I find it pretty suspicious,"Brianna said.

"Yeah."Aaliyah said then rested her elbow on the table and put her chin in her hand."It does seem rather odd,"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence,"Anna shrugged.

"But, should we tell the guys?"Brianna said.

"Why should we worry about what they say? They aren't our dad's or anything,"Tori said.

"Yeah, but they are kind of in like that enemy area with each other,"Alix said.

"Yeah, so who knows how they'll react! They could either be like we aren't friends anymore, or they could be a supportive friend and say, ' don't worry, I support you!' We can only hope for the best,"Aaliyah said.

They looked at Aaliyah with an 'are-you-serious?' look.

"Aaliyah, you are acting like Anna, are you okay?"Tori said.

"Yeah, I don't know, everytime I get nervous I act this way, like I don't know a single thing!"

"Okay, now that's an over exaggeration of me."Anna said then looked at her book that was in front of her called 'P.S. I like you', she was still on process of the first line."What does she mean?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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