Chapter Thirty

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Salazar returned to the country quietly, and afterwards the Nightmare Lord realized the man went to the lord's manor first. The lord was in the dungeons when he noticed the new yet familiar magic enter the grounds, but Elise came down immediately to inform him that Salazar had just arrived.

"I directed him to lady Ravenclaw's portrait," Elise said. "Lord Slytherin seemed very glad to be able to speak to her."

"Did you give him something to drink or eat?" the lord wondered as he cleaned up.

For once not a corpse. The potion had been a failure, but it was a useful failure at least. He knew not to put frog's liver in with the rest of the thing, as it had been peacefully puttering until that part. Luckily it had only been smoke, and not the lord covered in potion. The cauldron had gotten a bit melty, so he had to get a new one. Or maybe like seven when he was at it, save himself some time when he inevitably melted another one. Also making sure he didn't have to meet people that often. When would ordering from a catalogue be invented?

"Lucian is preparing something for him," Elise replied.

Oh right, Salazar. The lord rubbed his forehead, and said:

"I'll be up in a minute."

He wondered if he should clean himself up. But why bother? Salazar had seen him covered in blood, so smelling of smoke wasn't bad at all. He just removed the outer robe and went upstairs in a shirt and trousers.

"Oh, I do like those trousers on you," Rowena commented as soon as he entered the room. "My husband could never wear something like that and make it look good."

Salazar turned around and looked at the lord.

"Well, I do like to look nice," the lord said. "When I'm not busy experimenting. Looking nice isn't really possible then."

"Are you making something?" Rowena asked.

The lord chose the armchair next to Salazar and sat down.

"Just trying some potions. My old professor would call me a dunderhead, because it could have killed me but since I won't stay dead I tried it anyway."

Salazar looked a bit worn, lacking perhaps some sleep.

"How are you doing, Salazar?" the lord wondered.

"I look awful, don't I? I am quite tired, but I thought… no, I needed to see you both."

"Perhaps I should call for Helga and Godric?" he asked.

"Would you?" Salazar wondered. "I'd like that… although Helga will probably hit me over the head."

"Just don't let Godric wave that sword of his around, lord," Rowena said. "He'll chop someone's head off one of these days. Or Salazar's."

"Well, if he hasn't succeeded in taking my head off yet, I doubt he'll get it done today," Salazar said.

Once Lucian came with the meal and drink for Salazar, the lord told Lucian to call on Helga and Godric.

"Do tell them Salazar is eating me out of the manor," the lord said.

"Your poor kitchen must be truly empty and bare if this is all it takes to make you starve," Salazar said, gesturing at the chicken and bread on the plate. "This is really good though. Unless the lord had a hand in making it. Then I want it tested for poison."

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