Chapter Three

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Summer never reached inside the prison, and Harry could only stare out at the sea to see the sun. If he stretched out an arm he might get the sun's warmth on his hand for maybe a few minutes a day. He was starting to look rather pale.

One day he was looking outside when he heard someone stop at his cell. He only got one regular visitor and George came in the afternoon, not this early so Harry turned around. He expected perhaps Albus Dumbledore, having his grandfatherly look that Harry had not trusted since the day Dumbledore threw him into Azkaban.

But it wasn't Albus. It was Molly Weasley, holding a package. Harry wondered for a moment if he was hallucinating. Why on Earth would she come to the prison, when George had told him she was against George visiting?

"Mrs Weasley?" he said softly and stepped down from the bed he had hauled over to the window.

There it was, just the slightest flinch and she wasn't looking into his eyes. She was nervous, perhaps even terrified. Of what? Him? Nineteen-year old Harry Potter with no magic, tall and gaunt? Well, he would turn twenty soon. That was something he never expected when he was younger, to celebrate his birthdays in Azkaban.

"Hello, Harry," she said eventually. "I'm guessing you never expected me?"

"No. I didn't. Is there something wrong with George?"

"Oh no, nothing's wrong with him, dear. George's just fine, don't you worry."

"Then why are you here, Mrs Weasley?"

"I just wanted you to know… oh, how we have been led astray by Albus. I really thought he wanted what was best for you."

Something was wrong but Harry couldn't place it. She was still nervous, wouldn't look into his eyes but her words… why was she saying that?

"I guess George was right all along. The Ministry is working to get you out, dear, but I thought… well, this is a bit of a peace-offering from me and Arthur. I know it won't make up for all these years but it's a start, isn't it?"

She set the package down on the floor in front of his cell. Harry didn't move, didn't know what to think of her actions.

"I better be off then. The Minister is questioning us all, preparing for a new trial. Better late than never, right?"

"Yes. Better late than never."

He watched her leave and waited for a bit before taking the package. He unwrapped it and found some Hogsmeade chocolate and a knitted scarf. Her knitting he supposed. He took one of the sweets and unwrapped it before popping it into his mouth.

The moment he bit down a bitter taste filled his mouth and he spit it out. Too late. Something foul spread through his mouth and down his throat. He backed away, to the bed but collapsed before that.

"Oi, Potter? You alright?"

Rabastan's voice, but Harry couldn't answer. His mouth and throat was burning.

Molly freaking Weasley had just poisoned him, and he didn't know whether to feel shock or rage at that. One thing was for certain though; Harry was the great bit idiot who just assume she wouldn't do something like that! She wouldn't look him in the eyes, why, why, why?!

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