The Night Hiro Changed (part 1)

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~ Time Skips~
(8 years later)

-Your POV-

It's night and I was at The Lucky Cat talking with Aunt Cass about my new idea of inventory when the phone rang. "I'll get it" said Aunt Cass. It was a slow night and the boys were out. Hiro, I have no idea where and Tadashi was probably on his red scooter searching for him. It's kinda funny that I knew Tadashi had placed his 'gps detectors' inside all Hiro's jacket. He was sewing them while Hiro was a sleep (Hiro's a Heavy sleeper) and I happened to pass by their room on the night where I had to stay at their place.

Suddenly Aunt Cass came back and had an annoyed/irritated/furious expression on her face which tells me that either one or both of them had gotten themselves in trouble.

"Is everything alright Aunt Cass?" I asked as she took her car keys. "Those boys are unbelievable!" she shouted angrily and started the cars engine. I quickly sat myself on the cars passenger's sit. After buckling up, she drove the car to...somewhere? I didn't exactly asked her where we're heading. That is until I realise we were infront of the police station. "Oh Boy, you guys are dead!" I thought to myself and face palmed. We entered the police station and were told that they had caught them in the bot fighting alley. "Bot fighting? This is so Hiro's thing" I thought sarcastically. As Aunt Cass filled up some paper work, an officer let me see Tadashi and hiro outside their cell.

"And there they were". Hiro was in one cell alone while Tadashi was in the other cell.....along with about 20 other prisoners. I stood still and looked at both of them. Seriously if this wasn't a bad situation, I would have laugh seeing that tadashi had a very limited space to move. He was also glaring at a nervous looking hiro.

After a few minutes, the officer came back and let them both go. I walked with them and Aunt Cass outside in silence.

Aunt Cass spoke to me and told me to go inside the car while she talks to the boys. So I did and as soon as I did she talked to them and suddenly I saw them being pulled on the ear and was told to get inside the car by Aunt Cass. "Ouch! That really gotta hurt" I thought.

As they sat at the backseat and get sarcastically lectured by Aunt Cass, I just sat there quietly and not interfere. I know she's furious at them both but honestly she's just very worried. I took a glanced at them and saw both of them soothe their-now very red-ear. They looked at each other and somehow they were fighting telephatically. If that was even possible.

-Tadashi's POV-

I soothe my painful ear while glaring at Hiro. Hiro glared back and quickly slumped himself to the cars seat. "this is so embarrassing!" I mumbled to myself and face palmed. Hiro sat back up properly at what I said, he had a growing sly grin on his face and he looked at me wiggling his eyebrows "why? Is it 'cause she's here?" He said as he pressed the word 'she'.

"shut up hiro"I warned him not to say that! What if she heard?


-Your POV-

After 8 agonising minutes, we finally made it to the Cafe. We all went in and after some last words from Aunt Cass, she finally went of to the kitchen with Mochi (a super big and cute cat that Aunt Cass adopted). I went upstairs with the boys and entered their room. After Tadashi closed the door I spoke. "Seriously Hiro, bot fighting?" I looked at hiro (who was on his laptop typing something) with a serious face.

He looked at me and laughs nervously "I got bored so why not?" he said and smirked "And beside my robot was a success!" He smiled showing his gaped teeth. I looked at his laptop's screen and face palmed "your gonna' bot fight again, aren't you?" I asked him.

"Unbelievable!" Tadashi said as he scolded Hiro. Hiro being stubborn as he is, Didn't listen. "fine, I'll bring you there" said Tadashi. Me and Hiro had the same expression on our face after he said that. SHOCK.

-Tadashi's POV-

After telling hiro that I'm driving him there. He flipped out excitedly and goes downstairs with his helmet. "Seriously?" I looked at (y/n) and she looked at me with a questioning look with her hands on her hips. I smirked and told her that it's just a little detour to what I planned. "So you coming?"I asked and was quickly answered a 'yes'. "Sure my curfew is still far from gone" she said. We went downstairs and got on our rides. Me and Hiro on my scooter while (y/n) on her motorbike. It's awesome that her parents gave that as her graduation gift. Together we drove to Sanfransokyo Institute of Technology  (SFIT) where (y/n) and I studied. "Hey, why are we at your nerd school?" Hiro whined. "I'm just gonna get my things" I said as we parked our bikes."Or am I?" I thought and entered the building with (y/n) and hiro.

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