Short and Sweet

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*title on first line of each poem

June Moon
Big, white
At dusk it takes flight
In the sky, it lays and sighs
Drinking starlight shine

Stepping up the stairs
Nervously gulping air
Wanting to turn your back
Looking at your audience
And shockingly, you sing

Living in the sky
Shining in a holy glow
Surrounded by brothers and sisters
Coming up with Mother Moon
Hiding away from Father Sun
Getting bigger, glowing brighter
Then dying off in darkness

Beautiful Grey Junk
Down Aloye Avenue is a moldy old house
It's all alone on the left side of the street
It's tall and it's grey
The fence is all tattered
It's junky, deplated,
cracked beyond repair
Groaning, it stands
On Aloye avenue
Alone forever with no friend

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