muse pt 3

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author's note: sry this is so long hahahah

"THIS is cute," Elena projected across the aisle to me, holding up a fuzzy hot pink leopard print blazer with spiky shoulderpads. We both bust out laughing.

She and I were at a super cute vintage store. I had recently met Elena on a service day and we had instantly hit it off. We had been meaning to hang out since then and decided to go shopping together, especially since she was a native and knew all of the cute spots in the city. This was perfect for me too because I needed something cute and exciting to wear. It was Friday. Which meant I was seeing Leo tomorrow. I smirked to myself at the thought, but my stomach turned. Great... Anxiety poop.

Leo had texted me yesterday to wear something special on Saturday. We were doing a photoshoot and *i* was his model!!! His muse!!! Well, that's not exactly how he said it... I needed to remind myself to not let Destiny hype me up like this. He'd said that he had a full day for us planned and that he would bring his camera to get a few shots of me, but they would be casual and candid. I was still excited, especially since he didn't know that I had modeling experience. I thought he would be proud.

I walked over to the side Elena was on and sifted through those clothes with her. She gasped. I looked over in excitement.

"Sydney..... you NEED this," she whispered. Elena turned to me to reveal the most perfect garment ever. She didn't know what I was looking for in particular- I hadn't told her about Leo since we were just getting to know each other- but somehow this was so fitting.

I smiled and took it into the dressing room.


It was the next day and I was on the subway to the city. Leo said to meet him near a coffee shop he wanted to show me. I was so excited, but I had remembered to put on extra deodorant. Plus I reminded myself that no matter how much my stomach tried to convince me, I did NOT need to poop. I hadn't even eaten knowing that that would happen. Plus, Leo had promised good food. I held on to the train railing smiling.

 I held on to the train railing smiling

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I arrived to my stop and hopped off. I walked out to the street and texted Leo that I would be there in about five minutes. My phone lit up a second later.

" ok :) "

I giggled to myself. He was even cute over text.

I walked over and saw him sitting in front of the shop on his phone with his camera around his neck. He looked... unreal. I had never seen him in all black but... it worked. I approached, my hands getting sweaty. I wondered if I looked good enough. I was dressed completely differently. I knew my dress was good but I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard so I chose different shoes and minimal jewelry.

leo's fit (no bookbag tho lol)

leo's fit (no bookbag tho lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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