Chapter 6

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Your P.O.V.

I don't remember what had happened last night. I remember talking with Dawn, but everything else is just a blur. Soon I woke up to find Dawn sleeping on my chest. I could hear her cooing in her sleep and after a couple minutes she started waking up. As soon as she was fully awake we both started to blush like crazy as she got up.

Dawn: I-Im sorry, i-i didn't mean to...

Y/n: Hey, it's okay.

Then we heard Chris tell us to meet at the main lodge. When we arrived we saw the others all waiting for us.

Heather: There they are.

Dawn: What?

Sierra: You know what.

Y/n: I have no idea what your talking about right now.

Zoey: We all saw you both down at the beach this morning.

As soon as she said that we both started blushing and were as red as tomatoes.

Y/n: T-That was just an... an accident.

Courtney: Sure it was.

I was about to say something else when Chris walked in.

Chris: Hello campers...

Then he leans in to whisper to us.

Chris: And lovebirds.

Y/n: Shut up Chris.

Chris: Today's challenge is going to be a good one, follow me.

After about ten minutes of walking Chris ended up leading us to some sort of cave.

Chris: Alright, all you guys have to do is find an artifact hidden somewhere in this cave. And to make things more hilarious, for me, I've also placed some traps inside.

Brick: I-In t-that cave? W-Where it's all, you know, d-dark?

Chris: Yes, now get moving campers.

With that we went looking for the artifact Chris mentioned, but we had no idea what it was. We all ended up spouting into small groups and before I knew it I ended up with Dawn. But little did we know that we were both being followed by Alejandro.


Y/n: So I'm all alone with Dawn, I hope I don't mess anything up. You see, i'm bad at getting a girlfriend. When it looks like I'm doing well I always mess it up somehow. I just really hope that I don't mess it up this time.
Dawn: I'm alone in a cave with Y/n, but I feel we're being followed. It must be Alejandro, he's the only one apart from Heather who would try to be sneaky.
Alejandro: I must keep an eye on Y/n, if he did see the other seasons then he knows I can't be trusted. So I will watch and study him so when he slips up I can use it to my advantage. And if he or Dawn finds the invincibility statue or the artifact then I can take it.

Confessional ends
Mike's P.O.V.

After we split up I went with Zoey to try and find a way to get Y/n and Dawn together. We kept trying to come up with ideas, but none of them would end up working.

Mike: Man, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

Zoey: I know and I thought it would be easy to get them together.

We kept going back and forth with ideas until we bumped into Jasmine and Shawn.

Shawn: AH!

Mike: Woah!

Zoey: Sorry guys.

Jasmine: Its alright, were you two talking about trying to get Y/n and Dawn together?

Zoey: Yeah, why?

Jasmine: I think I might have an idea.

With that she told us what her plan was and we thought it was genius. And we all agreed to go with it once the time was right.

Your P.O.V.

We started searching for the artifact Chris wanted us to find. The only problem was that we had no idea what or where it was. So we had to look in tons of different spots while avoiding the traps.

Dawn: Y/n, can I ask you a question?

Y/n: Sure.

Dawn: Do you, by any chance, have a special someone waiting back home?

Y/n: Well.... not really.

Dawn: What do you mean?

Y/n: Well, I'm not really good with getting a girlfriend. Every time it looks like I'm about to get one I end up messing it up somehow. Maybe I'm just destined to not have a girlfriend.

Dawn: Don't say that, I'm sure you'll find that special someone.

Y/n: Thanks Dawn.

Then, out of nowhere, I end up giving Dawn a hug and it caused her to blush. When I realized what I was doing I let go and was blushing like a madman.

Y/n: S-Sorry about that.

Dawn: N-No, it's alright.


Y/n: Oh man, I think that I messed up big time. But she didn't seem to mind, so maybe she does like me.
Dawn: (giggles) Y/n was so embarrassed by the hug he gave me. I really enjoyed it, I hope thar I get another one.

Confessional ends

We stood in silence for a moment before I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

Y/n: What's that?

I went to pick it up and realized that it was some artifact. I figured it had to be the one Chris wanted us to find. But as we were about to leave Alejandro ran by and took the artifact.

Alejandro: Thanks amigo.

Y/n: Hey, stop.

We tried to run after him, but he had managed to get to the cave entrance before we could stop him.

Chris: And the Superior Seagulls win.

Y/n: Aw man!

Dawn: Well, we were close.

Chris: Alright Tigers, I'll see your butts at elimination tonight.

Elimination ceremony

After we all cast our votes we made our way to the bonfire pit. We also found out Sierra caused a cave in and injured Cody. Now Cody was in a body cast and I was wondering if he would be the one  going home.

Chris: I gotta say that you guys had come close, but you had ultimately failed. So if I call your name, then come and get a marshmallow.

Then one by one Chris called everyone up and they got a marshmallow. And it was down to just me and Sierra, and I was really nervous.

Chris: Y/n, you're on the chopping block because you had let Alejandro steal the artifact. And Sierra, your on the chopping block since you almost got yourself and Cody killed. Which is why the last marshmallow is going to Y/n.

I then let out a sigh of relief since I was safe for another day. It was a bit sad to see Sierra go, but if she did almost kill Cody then it was probably for the best. And I could tell Cody was glad she was finally gone.

Chris: And as for Cody, he'll have leave since my contract states that any injured contestants can't stay.

With that Chris had Cody put into the slingshot and fired him away into the distance. I was worried that it would make things worse and I felt bad for him having to leave too.

Chris: And there goes another loser. Who will be kicked off next? And will Dawn and Y/n tell each other how they feel? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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