Write what ye know

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Alright lads, it's Sad Boy here. I'm jus' sittin' on t' sofa wi' a pair of boxers an' nathin' else on. I 'ave some stupid podcast playin' in t' background an' am surfin t' web for ideas on new hairstyles an' stuff like tat, ye know?

I keep hearin' t' neighbours play some shite music an' it's overpowerin' my amazin' psychadelic stuff. Am too scared ta go up there an' tell 'em ta turn it down 'cause t' big lad up there's jacked up on steroids an' he doesn't really seem ta like people. Specially nah his girlfriend, Kelly sometimes--well most o' t' time. An' t' pizza delivery boy. When he's late.

Donny's away fer t' week ta Glasgow wi' his Da, Carlos's workin in t' gym, Doug's away workin' somewhere, Darren's still asleep an' Omar's in t' spare room. Trish's away ta work too. I got a free holiday from Omar's Uncle, Tarek. He says it's extended an' nah ta come back fer a month. Class. Nah more sortin' boxes or spices. Or bein' called Wilyam ('cause Liam's offensive, apparently, an' definitely nah a name in Arabic).

Yer prolly wonderin' why I'm writin' tis, aye? Someone taul me ta write what I know an' tis is all I know, but isn't tat an autobiography? Writin' bout yer life an' what ye know? Whoever said that had nah imagination an' they sound like my Da, Big Chuck. He's none either.

Anyway, nice ta see ye all again. I'm gettin bored writing this an' my nuggets are gettin cold. See ye all again soon? Have fun wi'out me.

(P.S. I attached t' class music fer ye ta hear. Enjoy)

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