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Rehan sighs as she walks into the kitchen, where her Mama and Uncle Younes are sitting down with a selection of pastries, coffee and teas at the table.

They examine her as she pulls the chair out and makes herself comfortable at the table:

"What?" she asks in a low tone, trying to dodge the brown eyes staring back at her.

"Why do you look like your brother?" Mama responds, shaking her head at the shirt and almost bald head looking back up. "And why are you dressed like him too?"

"This is who I am." Rehan responds, slouching in the chair. "And how I've always been."

Younes smiles at his niece. "It's nice to see you again, Rahel—"

"—Rehan. It's my preferred name. I like that name." She adds, crossing her hairy legs. "I brought you both something. Open it."

She brings the bag up to the table. Younes smiles and opens it. He takes out the painting and is amazed by how good it is. "Did you do this?"

"Well, it was Adam and me. Remember him?"

Mama sighs and nods. "The troublesome boy?"

"Well, he's blossoming into a misunderstood man with a sensitive side. I wanted to make something special for you both since I was coming back home. I hope you enjoy it."

Younes and Mama stare at the painting and smile. It's of Abbas. Mama tries not to cry at how beautiful it is. "Your Baba would have been so proud of you."

Rehan smiles and nods. "I miss him so much and I wanted to paint something in his memory."

Younes hugs her. "You did a great job."



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