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      I woke up suddenly and violently. The bed was empty and I was sweating, my breathing heavy. My body felt heavy, and very hot. I grabbed my head and screeched as pain ripped through my body. The door burst open and in barged Anna and John. John glanced around the room and then looked at me, his eyes holding a question.
"What is it?"
      Anna asked softly walking over. She took my hand and I sobbed in pain.
"I'm hurting. Its everywhere. It hurts..."
"You... You and the king mated a few days ago right?"
     She looked over at John, who suddenly slammed the door shut and locked it.
"Anna.... It's her mating heat. The one you went through on the way here..."
"I know. John, you stay... I'll get the king."
       I stood up and groaned in pain. I felt so weak and hot. John sighed and pinched his nose. The door opened, and  walked my mother with Anna. My knees shook but I kept myself up right.
"Lets get you in the bath. The King can't come right now, he's locked in a meeting with the Pack Alphas. But we need to get you ready. The Luna Ceremony is tonight."
        She helped me to the tub, the water was cooler than normal. Her and Anna left me to wash while they got my clothes together. Mel walked in and looked at me, her eyes filled with worry.
"I can't believe they're making him do this with you in this condition. This heat that happens after being marked.... It's horrid for us. I can only imagine what you're feeling right now. Be as strong as you can. You say your vows tonight."
      I nodded and numbly climbed from the tub. I dried off quickly and looked in the mirror. I was paler than usual, dark circles stood out under my eyes. My mother slipped in and helped me into the Ivory dress. It was a gorgeous gown, floral patches, glitter, the right amount of everything. Anna had set up everything to do make up and my hair.
        Her and Mel worked together to curl my hair and get me to look less sickly. After a few hours, they were finished finally. I sighed and my mother helped me stand. I was even weaker than this morning, the time apart from Remmy making me worse. John smiled at me sadly when he came in, his eyes smapped to Anna who was wearing a clingy red dress.
         She smiled at him and blushed. Mel grabbed my arm and patted my back reassuringly.
"You'll feel better soon. You've gotten weaker."
"I don't... I don't understand..."
"Its got to be the bond. But I'm not sure how Remmy isn't feeling this... Cal... Are you blocking him from feeling it? Anna couldn't get word to him, but she told us."
"Yes.... If he's busy with important things I don't want to disrupt him."
"Spoken like a true queen."
       Mel turned to her fathers voice. His eyes looked me over worriedly as well. Mel and Anna helped me back to a chair. My whole body trembled and screamed in pain. My eyes stung with tears. Tears I refused to shed.
"You're very strong, my child. You will be an unstoppable queen. Keep your chin up. Let's go. He's ready."
"We have to move slow.... I don't have it in me to move too fast."
       He nodded and everyone followed. My father was outside waiting for my mother. He took one look at me and my mother whispered to him explaining what was happening. Mel and their father helped me stay up right. I could feel myself growing weaker with each hour, more pain wracking through my body. We slowly made our way to the ball room.
       Once there my parents went off and started chatting with friends they haven't seen in a few years. I clung to Remmys fathers arm, sweat forming on my brow. I saw my hand shaking and tried stilling it. Mel soothingly rubbed my back. Remmy was chatting with some Alphas. He barely noticed us approach. But one of the Alphas did.
"Who is this angel your father is guiding over?"
"Hmm.... That's..... Calliope. My mate."
       Remmy smiled at me happily, I tried to return his smile as best I could. Mel squeezed my hand to let me know I was doing good. Remmys father handed me off to Remmy slowly.
"Callie... This is Alpha Liam from the southern pheonix pack, Alpha Brandon from the northern frost pack, and Alpha Ethan from the fire pack."
"Hello. Nice to meet you."
       My voice came out weaker than I intended and the Alphas looked at me confused, until it clicked for them. They sniffed the air, I think thats how they knew. Mel never once let go of my hand. She kept to my side as Remmy ran about the room, chatting with his guests. I somehow stayed up right as a pain hit my abdomen causing my knees to buckle slightly. Remmy did not suspect anything as of yet. But I wasn't sure if I could manage on my own any more.
"Then let the bond absorb some. You've been so strong, Callie."
      Mel whispered, she had felt my knees begin to buckle and kept me upright so no one noticed. I nooded and gave in, leaning into her for support, my knees giving out. My head rested on her shoulder and I shivered as my body filled with pain and heat. A sudden growl filled the room and Remmy was suddenly taking me from his sister.
"Cal... What....."
       He sniffed the air and his eyes darkened.
"Oh my god, Callie.... Why didn't you say anything? You just suffered this whole time?"
"I... I couldn't disrupt you. I didn't expect to have to do the ceremony... But.... I can do this."
"If youre sure.... I can feel the pain, love."
"It has to be done, Remmy."
       I said harshly. He nodded and had the ceremony begin. Everything was a blur, before I knew it Remmy tilted my chin up and gently kissed me, trailing his lips to my mark. He tilted my head,to the side so everyone could see my body had accepted the mark. With that my legs gave out and Remmy caught me. Cradling me to his chest, he turned to the address the room.
"Your queen is strong. She has been down here in the middle of the mating heat. All day, she suffered in silence while getting ready. Our bond is strong. Nothing will harm us."
      He murmured and then began walking to the doors.

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