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i placed the note in your locker.

the same note i had written awhile ago.

you talked a lot to me last night, you calmed me down last night and helped me get the key right.

you only made me fall in love deeper.

i sat down at my seat and pulled out my notebook.

i haven't written in awhile and i needed to write down my thoughts or else i will explode and kill everyone in my sight.

i pulled out my pen and started writing.

you sat beside but didn't say anything.

what was i expected? you to talk to me like we have known each other all of our lives?

"park somin come talk to me."

kang hyunseo shouted in her screeching voice.

i sighed and forgot to close my book while i walked away.

i was writing about what i liked about you and i forgot to close it but it was already to late because hyunseo pulled me to the abandoned hallway.

"why did you tell taehyung oppa that i started the rumor?"

"i can say whatever i want."

"was not started the rumor enough for you? do you want more?"

"why the fuck would i want more."

i felt her hand collide with my face and i was facing the right now.

"this is your last change thin lips, i was ok with you at first but your just a thirsty bitch."

she spat at my feet before she left.

i scoffed and looked her way.

the way she forced her hips to sway and the way she pushed herself towards you.

she disgusts me.

she's so sickening.

i finally started walking back to the classroom.

my cheek was swollen but i really didn't care.

when i got there i was met with an angry taehyung and a crying hyunseo.

not fucking again.

"why did you punch her? i thought i could trust you."

you still going to believe her?


i scoffed and went to my desk.

i grabbed my post it notes and shoved them into the dark abyss of my bag.

you pushed me too far.

your too indulged in what she says and what she does that you can't find the real story.

how are you top of the class when you never look into it?

i won't write you another note till you know the whole story.

i sound so childish.

i am childish.


i picked up my bag from the corner of my desk and started heading to the music room like usual.

instead i turned around and headed home.

i didn't want something like yesterday to happen again.

it was nice but you proved that wrong today.

how come your so different when you're with her?



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Notes {K.TH} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now