Movie Night - ANS x Reader

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It was movie night at the Shock house and Super was picking out the movie all of your couldn't decide between horror and action so Super being Super he was going to pick horror because he wanted to see who was a scaredy cat and who wasn't. You and Ans were making the popcorn while everyone was in the home theater ready to watch a movie. After making the popcorn and getting other snacks both of you headed back over to the home theater giving everyone their own bowls and any other snacks they asked for. Super started the movie and the lights dimmed so everyone stopped talking.

As the movie started you recognized it as the Original Poltergeist probably one of the scarier horror movies if you skipped all the sequels. However you didn't exactly remember much that happened in the movie since it's been a few years since you last watched. While watching the movie some of the other members of SF were slightly scared while others had fallen asleep. Super to no surprise had fallen asleep but would probably wake up to go scare a few people in the middle of the night. 

(time skip to the end of the movie) 

You got up and stretched a bit since your limbs were stiff from sitting down for so long. When you looked up almost everyone was asleep but eventually they would get up for a bit to go to their rooms. You carefully took the empty bowls and went over to the kitchen to clean them.

"Y/N just a reminder don't stay up to late there is still a game tomorrow, well good night" Crusty said before leaving to go to his own room to sleep.

"Night coach" You replied back to him and went back to cleaning the dishes.

Just around the corner ANS was going to come around and see if he could scare you a bit. He didn't make a single sound as he walked up behind you.

"Boo!" Ans said putting his hands on your shoulders which made you jump a little bit.

'What the hell ANS?!" You exclaimed turning around and softly punching him in the shoulder because you didn't want to hurt him.

"Yes! Gotcha" Ans said laughing 

"I hate you so much right now..." You pouted before turning back around to get back to what you were doing.

"Awe, you don't hate me I'm to adorable for anyone to hate" Ans said in a matter of fact way which you just rolled your eyes at.

"Okay and what if someone did?" You asked raising and eyebrow.

"well then that wouldn't be very nice of them" Ans came up next to you and started helping you with the dishes.

For a minute there was the awkward silence between you and Ans before he broke it.

"So... do you hate me?" He asked looking down.

"No I don't I was just bluffing" You said.

"Well then I guess I shall say this then, Will you be my girlfriend?" Ans asked you

"YES!" You yelled excitedly before Ans shushed you.

"You gotta be quiet Y/N people are sleeping" He said laughing a little.

Both of you talked for a little and finished the dishes before going to bed and hopefully Super won't try pulling some pranks on everyone tomorrow. 

~A/N: Thanks for 100+ reads 🧡~

~Word count without A/N: 539~

~Word count with A/N: 553~

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