Chapter 3

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Andi's pov
Zayn and the limo drive off, ok now I have to deal with people of my school and my friends. I think it's the day people find out about my secrets and I'll have to tell Emma about me being a witch and kanay.
I walk up the steps to the entrance of my school and open the door to find the hallway empty, thank god for that at least I can get my stuff from class
I walk to the class room and pick up my stuff and start to walk to the food hall but then I get grabbed from behind and pushed into the toilets and it was too quick for me to see who it is.
"This is miss information with very and I mean very juicy news as you all now zayn Malik from 1D was at the school five minutes ago. So here I am with Andi cruz." Gigi says
"Gigi what are you doing" I shout
"So Andi are you and zayn dating or something cause I filmed the incident" she says facing the camera at me then facing it back to herself and says " the video is on the website and is the latest new video" she says and fAces the camera back to me .
"Andi are you dating zayn" she says
"Eww no zayn is my brother" I yell and grab the camera and face it at myself
"I am not seeing zayn ok people. Zayn is my brother MY brother please get that through your heads cause if anyone asks me if I'm dating Zayn Malik I'll get my chainsaw on you." I say threateningly and give it back to Gigi. "There you go Gigi" I say giving back her camera
" well then people of iridium high Andi cruz is Zayn Maliks sister. And you have been informed" she says and runs out of the toilets.

Ok now the school knows I'm related to a mega famous celeb great. Ok I need to find Emma and rest of them before people start to ask me questions. And with that I run out of the toilets and run to the doors of the food hall and look around for the group and I spot Emma, Daniel, jax, Diego, Maddie and the panthers. I run up to them and take a sit next to them.
"Omg Andi where the hell did you go I was worried and why was zayn Malik looking for you" Emma asks
"Erm well zayn is erm my brother" I say looking at there expressions that were all shocked until Maddie broke the silence
"OMG can I meet him! I love them so much but I prefer Harry I mean Harry has the best hair there and he's so dreamy" Maddie say excitedly then zones out probably thinking about Harry
"Erm hello Maddie do you remember me. Yeh I'm your boyfriend Diego" Diego says
" ohh sorry proxy. He's just so dreamy but don't worry his face isn't as pretty as yours" she says
"Erm anyway how come you haven't told me" Emma asks
" I'm sorry Em it's just it's the first time in five years I've seen him" I say
"It's fine but your going to make up for it tonight by having a sleepover with me and we'll talk then." Emma says.ok I'll tell my other secret to her tonight then
" ok I'll probably be later than usual,probs around 7. Zayns picking me up today" I reply
"Yeh that's fine" she says smiling
" are you alright Andi. You look like you've been crying" Daniel says
Shoot I forget about that I'll just act like nothing happened
" really cause I feel absolutely fine " I say putting up a fake smile
"0kayy" jax say a bit iffy about my answer
"Yeh I'm fine" I say again
" that's so cool your related to a member of the hottest sing group out there" Katie says
"Yeh can we meet them one day" Sophie asks
"Probably, up to them" I say
"Omg" Maddie,Katie and Sophie squealed clapping there hands
And then the bell rings and we all go to our lessons ...

Five more minutes till school ends and then I'll have to go find zayn
I'm sitting next to Emma in this class which is science and there talking about something to do with compounds and stuff I'm not really paying attention I'm just doodling in my book. Then the bell goes. Finally.
And then me, Emma, Daniel,jax and Diego walk out the school there all going to the beach side seven so there waiting for Maddie and the panthers as for me I have to wait for zayn hopefully he'll be here soon because when the others are gone I don't want to stand there like a loner. Me, Emma and Daniel were talking about the crazy toppings Emma puts in her pizza but she doesn't think it's crazy she just says "it's unique that's all"

Maddie and the panthers come and we were saying our goodbyes and when they were about to leave, when we see a man running towards me and grabs my wrist really hard and says " Andrea cruz I've found you" ....

#cliffhanger😉 I wonder what will happen next?who is that man?read to find out!xxx
That was chapter 3 xx stay cute my loves 💞

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