Chapter 10

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Andi's pov
We were all at my place having a party and celebrating the defeat of Mia even though it sounds wrong and mean but she was truly evil and wanted to kill all of us so it's nice to know that we won't be in danger for now.
I was thirsty so I went to the food table and got a drink I looked around and saw everyone having a good time.
And then someone behind me grabbed me by the waist and said "BOO!"
"HOLY SHIT!!!" I scream
"Calm down it's just me" that person says with a chuckle and I turn around
"Jax! Really, you have to creep up on me like that!" I say
"Sorry it's just fun to see you all scared and innocent" he says
"You think it's funny" I say annoyed
"Yep and cute" he whispers into my ears and winks. Since when does he call me cute. And my cheeks start to burn, oh no I'm blushing since when do I blush.
"Did I just make Andi cruz blush" he says with a grin and smirk
"Shut up" I say and playfully punch him on the arm "don't flatter yourself"
"Anyway I'm here to say thank you" he says
"Why do you want to thank me" ask confused
"Cause of earlier. If it wasn't for you, all of us would be dead and it takes some guts to save Emma and stand up to Mia" he says
"Well I am Andi cruz." I say confidently
And our conversation continued and then a slow dance came on and Emma and Daniel were dancing so was Maddie and Diego
"Andi cruz will you take this dance" jax asks doing a posh voice the same time and holding his hand out
" I sure will mr jax novoa" I reply back in the posh English voice and I grab his hand and we walk to where everyone else is dancing and he grabs me by the hips and I wrap my hands around his neck and let my head fall on his shoulder and we dance to the music.
After the dance ...
Everyone enjoyed themselves and it was late so it was time for everyone to leave.
And the panthers Maddie and Diego left and Emma, Daniel,and jax were left
"You guys better go it's late" I say
"Bye Andi" Daniel, Emma and jax say
"Thanks for the night" jax says
"Glad you enjoyed" I say smiling
"I better go, see ya tomorrow" jax says and kisses my cheek and leaves with Danny and em. OMG!!!! Jax just kissed my cheek I say turning a shade of red... Wait why am I acting like a fan girl of jax. Do I like jax novoa... What is he doing to me. Any way it's not like he'll like me back.

That was chapter 10 xxx added some jandi and there will be more ...
Hope you guys enjoyed😘💞 stay cute💜

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