Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14: Plot Against, Rise Against

"YOU LIAR!" Princess Tutu tore her hand from Nesumir's.

Autor stood wide-eyed, like a statue.

"I did what I said I would do; that was, make the pain be over quickly."

"That's not what you promised!" She protested.

"But it was. You just didn't listen careful enough my dear." He shrugged.

Princess Tutu wanted to throw up. Fakir was on the ground, as wood. All wood. At once. He was gone.

"Is he dead?" Autor's eyes still wide.

"No, enchanted. His sole is stuck within a prison."

"Just like the Nutcracker." Autor said. "It's following the plot Ahiru. It's only being slightly rearranged and averted..."

"I'm getting sick of your talk."

Princess Tutu wondered how close Autor was to the truth. Autor was putting pieces together and-

"Actually, Autor, are you impressed with this? This orchestration, because the plot seems to be thickening..."

"I'm amused. I just don't know how well an army of mice would do for you."

"You don't? Would you like to see?" Nesumir held out his hand and a black spark came out and suddenly Autor was a mouse.

Princess Tutu gasped. Autor...though... never joined the others and seemingly remained close to his belongings and Fakir. She couldn't loose him. She had to save him too after all he'd done this time.

"Nesumir stop this." She pleaded.

"But why? Look where it's gotten me." He smiled. "I have you, the knight is out of my way, and all of the followers I have gained have reawakened my father's powers. I will do what he failed, and more."

"But ...this isn' cant..."

"Oh but its fine. You're a swan, you look beautiful as Princess Tutu. That's all you have to be."

She remembered. She didn't have a heart shard. How could she reverse this? She doubted she could change Nesumir's mind. But Fakir...and Autor...

"I'm not just beautiful. I am Ahiru too. A heart is not meant to be caged."

"Either are birds but we all know that's where their kept." Nesumir sighed.

Princess Tutu felt a tear run down her cheek. There was no getting through to him.
"And mouses are killed by mouse traps."

"A retort like that? From a Princess? How out of line." Nesumir grabbed her wrist hard. The sound of the mice around them, Fakir...Fakir's absence...and Autor was-

She looked for Autor.

Autor was the one who told her that Drosselmeyer bases these stories out of the originals...his last words...

She wondered, was her only let the story play itself out as it meant to way or another?

Maybe she didn't need to rewrite the story to fix it's ending.

Drosselmeyer's Finale: The Mouse, The Princess and The CurseWhere stories live. Discover now