- nine

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Cedric rapped his knuckles against the door for the third time and awaited its opening. Moments later it opened and Cedric was greeted by Draco Malfoy. The fourth year peered up at him, his top lip curled into a snarl. Just as he opened his mouth - no doubt to make some snide remark to the elder boy - Melanie waltzed past and cleared her throat. "Thank you for opening the door Draco. I will take it from here."

Draco whirled round to face the girl and nodded silently. "Of course Melanie." He smiled and immediately left, ignoring Cedric's existence as he left. Melanie placed her hands on Cedric's chest and pushed him backwards, slamming the door behind her. "Do you have a death wish Mr Diggory?" She hissed, her back pressed against the door. Cedric snorted, and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Well at least now you know the lengths I have to go to get your attention Miss Hallows." He retorted, sluggishly rolling his shoulders. Melanie mumbled expletives under her breath as she pushed herself off the door.

"Is that any way to treat the Hogwarts champion?" Cedric pouted, snaking his arm around Melanie's waist and the girl willing herself not to blush. "Oh my apologies good sir, would you prefer and got to my knees and praised your existence?" She taunted and as Cedric laughed, her smile grew. "I'm not fussy at how you show your support and appreciation." He cooed as they rounded the corner. "But I do have one request, and of course you are not obliged to do it."

"Merlin you're speaking so formal it's unnerving." Melanie laughed and eyed the changes in his mannerisms. Cedric's cheeks were scarlet as he unhooked his arm from Melanie's waist and turned to face her. "Cedric?"

"Melanie will you go on a date with me?" He spluttered out, his eyes wide with panic. Melanie froze in utter bewilderment. The idea that Cedric wanted to go on a date with her was utterly perplexing. He was the absolute golden boy, the apple of everyone's eye. And she - well she was the kid your parents told you to stay away from. She knew she should say no. She should tell him it's dangerous, he deserved someone better, someone that didn't come with so much baggage. But she couldn't help herself. Not when she say him smiling down at her, his hands shaking rather violently as he awaited her answer.

"Yes." She breathed, meaning it with every fibre of her being. "I would love to."

Melanie had felt on cloud nine the moment she had seen Cedric's face light up with joy when she said she would go out with him. He stumbled over his words as he tried to speak, but Melanie managed to decipher that he was saying he would organise an evening for them the next evening and that he would pick her up from the common room at seven. And so that was where she stood now, nervously smoothing down her blouse. Angelia had helped her pick out her outfit, it was simple. Melanie had never been too much into fashion - something which saddened her very much. She yearned to have the adoration for it that Angelia did but she just couldn't seem to latch on to it.

And so she had gone to Angelia for help in choosing her outfit for that evening. Angelia had shrieked more than a banshee when she discovered her friend was going on a date and began fussing over every part of her appearance until Melanie had told her simply to pick an outfit and leave, telling the girl she would speak to her about it later. Graciously, Angelia had agreed, knowing well enough not to annoy Melanie when she was already so nervous. Those nerves had not eased at all. Melanie's palms were sweaty as she adjusted the back on her shoulder and checked her hair one final time.

"You look lovely Melanie." Came a familiar voice from behind her and Melanie turned to see Draco Malfoy eyeing her from across the common room. Draco was a pretentious boy, obsessed with money and status, but Melanie often felt that there was more to it than that. Oddly, the younger boy reminded her of herself and she hoped that one day they would both be free of their cages. Draco had always been nice to Melanie, if not a little nervous around her. He was always polite, and paid her many compliments but never to the point where it was creepy or annoying. Melanie wondered how he found that balance of being nice to her while being horrid to the rest of the school. She supposed it was merely what his parents wanted and that Draco had no choice but to obey his parents and create that harsh, slimy personality just the same way as her brother had to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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