2. New Friends and the Muscle Car

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The next morning was a bit slow, sitting at the table. I ate breakfast with my siblings and cousins. Aunt June had left early in the morning, before everyone but me was awake

Finishing off the last of my biscuits as I listened to Skyler's over dramatized version of our cross country trip, at least one little incident.

Though before he could actually finish his tale, Evening corrected him on a vital piece of information.

"Skylar!" She exclaimed in a rather hilarious scolding tone. "You know that's not right, you got knocked out by that hoodlum!" pointing her fork at her older brother, giving him a very unamused glare.

Hiding my smile, I cleared my throat. "yeah Sky, you know if I recall correctly..." tapping my finger against my chin, "while you were getting strangled, Eve was calling the police and I was using the socket wrench on that poor kid's head."

Skylar glared as everyone began to laugh, trying not to smirk or laugh. I cleared my throat and grabbed my plate and mug.

"Yeah, well who cares..." he grumbled, scraping what was left of his food off his plate and into his mouth.

"You do apparently." I answered him, placing the dishes into the sink, grabbing one of the extra strips of bacon as I passed the stove.

Going to the back room, I turned on Skylar's laptop. Setting up on the wifi, I went to my gmail to check the various emails that gathered over the few days we didn't have internet.

Two in particular caught my eye, after looking them over I shut it off and went back to the living room where Evening and Night was cleaning up the breakfast dishes.

"Sky, the semi truck will be here tomorrow." I informed him, sitting in my chair. "the trucker sent pictures of the dogs and your car."

"Really? How does my darling look?"

"Well, Duck and Steve look great and as far as I can tell your car is in good condition." I deadpanned, of course the only thing he actually cared about what his stupid car.

The kids however looked excited at the sound of our two dogs, and as expected they both had questions. Though didn't stop washing dishes.

"Are they feeding Duck enough?"

"Has Steve ate the seats?"

"Guess we'll see when they get here," I told them, Jack cleared his throat as he stood up. Glancing down at him as I tilted my head.

"So, do you have anything planned today?"

"Oh, well no not exactly..." I answered, remembering the date I looked down at Skylar. "Though, Skylar has a meeting so it'd be best if the kids and I are out of the house, you too if possible."

Skylar groaned, "I don't want to deal with those fu-pussies." giving me a half glare, though he stood and stretched, "though getting out is a good idea, I'll need a good jog around the block and a nice cold shower before the dam-dang meeting."

Watching him walk away, I looked back at Jack. "Did you have something in mind?" Tilting my head, I was rather curious.

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