6. Oatmeal and Cookies

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Looking down at the oatmeal that Evening made, apparently Skylar had made some different oatmeal earlier and Night threw up trying to eat it while Eve refused to eat it and made some more oatmeal that didn't look like toxic sludge.

"Why are we letting Skylar near the kitchen?" Eve asked as she put a little butter in her bowl.
"I have no idea, girly." I muttered back, taking a bite of the oatmeal. It wasn't bad, though she had let it sit a bit too long...though she was only 12 so I could forgive that.

"Dawn, do you have something for us to do?" Night asked, looking a bit pale as he held his stomach. Letting out a sigh, I figured food poisoning was highly likely.

"Mmm...yeah actually, Eve?"


"Pack the cooler with snacks and drinks, Night go grab your homework and PS3, your movies, games and whatever you wanna bring."

Both of them looked rather confused, though they began to do as I told them to. Running my hand through my hair as I got up and began to do the dishes. Keeping my broken wrist at my side as I cleaned them the best I could before checking the water dish of the dogs.

Steve was close by my side the whole time, never going more than a few feet from me. Part of me wanted to bring the dogs with us... though maybe after the kids were introduced to the cyber-watchamacallits. Whether the bots thought it was a good idea or not, if they were gonna protect us, they were gonna protect my dogs.

Within a half hour, we had everything ready. Night was excited that I let him bring his PS but confused where we would go to bring it. Leading them out, I walked straight to Smokescreen who was waiting on the curb.

"Since Skylar suddenly had a business trip, this will be our secret for now." I told them, pushing the passenger seat forward to let them get in.

"What do you mean by that?" Evening asked, sitting right behind the driver seat. I merely smiled as I shut the door to go around. Opening the driver door with a completely straight face I told her.

"I killed a man."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Evening screamed, watching in the rearview mirror as she grabbed onto Night for dear life. Night rolled his eyes and pushed his sister off.

"She's JOKING Eve!" Night snapped, more annoyed by her reaction than my little joke. Though I couldn't help but smirk as he looked up at me. "...you are joking right?"

Carefully sitting down and letting Smokescreen shut the door. Giggling at the pair's reaction, I patted the steering wheel. "yeah, I'm joking...Smokers, mind locking the doors before taking us to the base?"


"Sure thing Dawn." Smokescreen responded, the counsel pulsing as he spoke, the doors locked and the vehicle began to roll out of the driveway.

"...Dawn...your race car talked." Night said in awe as Eve had wrapped her arms around him once again, her eyes full of terror as Night spoke.

"Technically, he's not a car..." Smiling like the Cheshire cat in the rear view mirror. "Why don't you introduce yourself while I make sure you don't get us in trouble." Putting my hands on the wheel and making it appear as if I was the one driving,

"Hey sparklings! I'm Smokecreen, Dawn's guardian bot." Smokescreen spoke in a chipper tone as he talked a little about how he was an alien and how he was new to earth.

I found myself nodding off, though still nervous to not be alert while Smokescreen drove. I guess that was why I was told not to drive while on the painkillers.

Night had a ton of questions for Smokescreen that I had never even thought of, Eve on the other hand seemed more quiet about everything. Looking in the rear view nearby, I could see the look of disbelief on her face as she watched Smokescreens dash flashed as he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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