Quote 3

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“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” – Dale Carnegie


This explains it. Happiness is a feeling, maybe a state of mind. What really matters is what you think about as it leads to your words, and actions. Therefore, it is extremely important to have good thoughts. If you constant drown onto the bad thoughts, you won’t be happy. The key is to think about all the good in life. Think about something good that happened to you, or someone. Think about the beauty of cute animals. Or just think about the weather! Oh, just how beautiful it is to be able to see the Sun and the blue sky on a sunny day, yeah? It is really marvelous. 

Reminder: Happiness does not come from objects or things, it is the feeling that you get when you do or say something because of YOUR THOUGHTS.

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