Author's note

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Author’s note

Life is beautiful. It is. When you look a bit closer, a bit more attentive… you will probably be able to see it. Maybe it was that ravishing purple sunset glowing in the dark sky you saw the other day. Or when you saw a stranger helping up someone who has fallen down to the ground. Or it was that small boy holding hands with his mama and papa, as he repeatedly says: “I love you more Mommy and Daddy…” on the streets. Or maybe, just maybe it was the feeling you feel from being alive. Life is a gift. It is. 

  And when you are feeling down, remember that you are made of a galaxy of stars. You, like many others are made up of 70% water, and everything that your cells do, they do it for you. You know your blood cells? They are the ones that transport oxygen throughout your body. You know your nerve cells? They are the responsible ones to send messages to your brain for you to react. Everything the nature does, it does it for you. Think about it… The sun illuminating our skins… The rain that washes away your tears…and you know the feeling of that day when you finally overcame your fear of insecurity… that day when you go up on the stage unafraid… Or it is that day when you are finally able to accept a compliment from someone… Don’t be embarrassed for doing something good. Don’t be embarrassed when you succeed in something great. Be happy, be glad, and spread the joy around. And can you just imagine that day when you look at yourself in the mirror with the sunlight is shining through your bathroom window…. That is, when you finally know that you love yourself with confidence.

  I am not here to tell you what happiness is. Happiness is different for everyone, yet somehow the same. I have interview tons of people on the subject regarding happiness – not many replied with the same answer. Life is a long yet short journey. Embrace it. Love it. Be yourself and stay true to whom you are. Believe in yourself, and have faith. Know what is morally right, and do it. Life is not perfect, and you are not perfect. It is okay to cry, it is okay to fall down. And it is okay to make mistakes. It is. However that doesn’t mean you are not worth it. Your life is worth living. Your life is worth loving. Feelings get hurt, but it can be healed. I hope you realize your beauty and discover the happiness within you. Stay strong and be brave at loving your own life. Remember to love fully and truly.

  Here in this little project are some quotes that I enjoyed, and got enthused to continue on my journey of happiness as well as some quotes I wrote. It is the little things that matter. It is the simplest, smallest things that make me truly happy. You know what’s interesting? The best things in life are not things. It is the moments that matter. It is the people, and it is the passion you feel. 

  I am not a doctor, or a minder reader or a therapist. I am just a human being who has ups and downs in her life. I am not perfect and I make a lot of mistakes. From them I learn to be a better person. I aspire to be more. I will be completely honest with you: I am not always happy, and I have not always been either. There was a time where I was really depressed, and I did not know how to deal with myself. I struggled to let my emotions out, and when I did, I was ashamed. I felt vulnerable. Breakable. Weak. But I gave myself enough strength to understand that IT IS OKAY to cry. IT IS OKAY TO feel sad. It is a humane feeling. And our feelings are VALID. I have cried myself to sleep before, and I have fallen down a lot of times. But I never gave up no matter what. Some things in life are truly worth fighting for. Love. Family. Friendships. Faith. Hope. Life. Life is worth fighting for. 

Your life is worth living for. Our presence is existent for a reason. We were meant to be here. We have a purpose. Let us shine. There have been days where I depended my self-value on people, objects, and numbers marked on a paper or scale. But that is not my value. It is not mine, or yours, or anyone’s, for the matter. Our worth is infinite. We have some serious potential inside of us. We are all good at something. I can guarantee you. It might take you some time, but please know that you’re worth it. Never ever forget that.

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