Chapter 37

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Damn we almost at 40 parts tho.

Today was the day that we would take down Esther Mikaelson once and for all. The Original Witch would no longer be in the land of the living. She would no longer pose a threat to Nik and I, to the family that we created in her absence. The abominations would be the ones to win the war that she rallied against us.

She had the witches, Katerina Petrova, Elena Gilbert, and Tyler Lockwood.

We had the heretics, the vampires, the Originals, and many werewolves that were due to turn soon.

We would be unstoppable. Our force would quickly outnumber hers. No matter how many witches she gathered, ours would always be more powerful. They did not need internal magic. The heretics would always be a horrifyingly overpowered force.

I almost felt bad for those who had gone against my family.


"We need to divert the witches stationed in front of the cemetery," Nik says.

"We need to kill the witches stationed on the sides of the cemetery first, Nik, nobody on her side can come out alive. They all must be gone. Even better, turn a few of them in the process, force them to make the impossible choice," Nik smirks at the idea. "You and Stefan get Elena, Damon and I are killing Esther. I think I'll take a lesson from your book."

"Tear it out of her, love, and don't make it kind either," Nik kisses my head before Stefan and he start to rip into the witches.

They didn't see it coming.

Our team was silent, but deadly. We knew just what to do to make the witches angry. When they drained themselves, we would either be able to kill them or just watch them kill themselves with a magical overload. Run, little witches, your time to die is near. You should have known, the Mikaelsons are unkillable. Esther can't even pull a simple binding spell on us without my knowledge. I will just take that magic for myself. She cannot kill the Originals unless I allow it. You were stupid to think otherwise, petty witches.

A witch screamed as I took her neck in my hand. I laughed in her face as I diffused her magic, taking it all for myself. She was young, but she knew that she had done the wrong thing. Even if I had a moral compass, this witch still was against me. She hates vampires. Even more, she despises siphoners. Just like my mother, thinking that your magic is worth more than your life and well being. You think of yourself as a moral being, but you try to kill a family. That isn't morality. Twisted and unjust.

"I hope that you know that your time on this Earth is done and that your stay on the Other Side will be starting," I pause for a second as she whimpers, "Now," at that I snap her neck before letting her fall to the ground. Whatever hybrid has to pick these bodies up, I am truly sorry. I'll be giving you some sort of reward when you come home.

As Damon snapped more witches' necks, I could see the monster truly being released inside of all of us. We were abominations, but we would only be monsters once you pushed us past the point of no return. The straw that broke the Camel's back. They placed that straw with Esther's return.

They would die for that small straw they placed on us.

"You do look really hot when you're all pissy and killing witches, you know that, Angel?" Damon compliments, even ripping apart one witch. "Sorry, she tried to claw my eyes out with those nails."

"You are forgiven. Poor person who has to clean this up," I muse. Damon laughs and another hybrid rips apart one of the witches that tried to use their magic on them. Who knew that witches would be so weak, yet so powerful? I guess they only have power when they aren't up against over 120 people. Esther has like what? 150 witches? Up against 75 hybrids, about 10 siphoners, 5 Originals, and quite a few werewolves they have no chance. I bet that she thinks she's so powerful sitting in the cemetery, hiding away. I bet she found some white oak wood as well. God, does she not know that I can burn that in a second? Even if she puts magic on it, I can just take that magic away and burn it! That's maybe 20 seconds!

The fact that these people were fighting against us was just amusing. According to a text that I got in the hybrid chat, nobody had gotten too injured just yet, only one hybrid having to go home because they needed to reattach their arm. Witch hit them with a car.

"It's Garrett, he has to clean this shitshow up. I'll make him cookies or something. You know, put some little waving hybrid flag on them," Damon reminded me of the little hybrid flag that Nik had designed and painted a picture of. It hung in the hallway. Rush and Jody had made some big flags with the picture as well.

A hybrid flag was in order, but had never been made.

"Yeah, we have to go. Esther will be trying to find some way to bind us by now. I can sense it, but I don't want her binding us to someone just to kill them and all of us. We have to play this smart," I remind my mate, who nods and rushes us inside of the cemetery.

It was a damn war zone. Body parts were lying everywhere. No hybrids or heretics, but the witches seemed to have pissed off the crew enough to have them tear them limb by limb. Even with my level of control, the scent was enticing and almost nauseating from how much it called to me. A reminder that I would always be called to by blood laid out right before my very eyes, leading the way to the witch that had made the curse in the first place.

Right in the middle of the cemetery lay Esther Mikaelson standing. Ah, there's the bitch. Kill? Oh Astrid, you don't have to ask yourself twice.

"Daughter," her voice was laced with venom. Just the usual parental meet up. Hell, she would get to meet the boyfriend as well. It was a shame that she only got to meet one.

"Bitch," the word came out of my mouth slowly, laced with just as much venom as hers. She growled, attempting to use her magic on Damon. I laughed and sponged the magic right up. "Haven't you learned this already? You can't use your little tricks on my family. They are protected by me, the Original Heretic."

"You are the Original Abomination, Astrid Mikaelson, the original curse of this family," Esther sneers.

"No, that's where you're wrong, Esther, Astrid is no curse to this family. My mate has saved this family from falling apart because of you. She has kept everyone alive, even if it meant she had to sacrifice her comfort and her feelings. She is selfless and kind. Never in my life have I had the honor to meet someone with pure compassion," Damon defends me, holding me close to his body. "You hate your own child! You are a monster! You left her alone. She was scared and you let her be abused!"

"I was horrified to find out that my child was an abomination. I couldn't be near such an affront to nature itself. She was still my child, I made sure she stayed alive. She was still family, but I couldn't have her at the table with us. Astrid Mikaelson is the original abomination. She is worse than Niklaus could ever be. She is darkness," my own mother claims.

"If she is darkness, you are the fucking devil himself," Damon comes away from me. I see the white oak stake in the corner of my eye and burn through her magical protections.

"Incendia," I whisper, burning the white oak stake with the darker magic I had collected, knowing that some strong magic would need to be used in order for anyone to never have to see that stake again.

With a flash of movement, Damon holds her down with his strength as I take the final move.

The light passed through my hands.

My fury growled deep inside of my chest.

As her body dropped to the floor I realized her heart was in my hand.

I had killed her.

The Original Witch was dead.

I was free.

✓ | 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂, Stefan and DamonWhere stories live. Discover now