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once we got back to the house, everyone was instantly bored again. all of us spread out on the couch, just sitting there in a comfortable silence. I was in the middle of cooper and josh, with carson and ted on josh's side, the rest on coopers side with charlie on the ground. cooper was laying in my lap and head on josh's shoulder

'bruh' cooper slapped his hands to his face 'Why are we so bored right now' cooper said looking up at me, josh chuckled

'i dunno' josh replied 'wanna go out again?' he asked the group

'and do what? we've been every where' carson said looking at josh and then at me, A little frown formed on his face.

'the fairs open' charlie looks up off his phone 'i just googled it, tickets are super cheap' he shrugged

'oooo we should go' i prop my head up from josh's shoulder 'think about it, We never go to the fair'

everyone nodded, it was around 10 and the fair closed at 2am, i guess the workers get payed more for overtime.

we all decided why the fuck not and jammed back into the car, again i was in the back. in between josh and cooper again. We drove to the fair which was around a 10 minute drive, but me cooper and josh passed the tome by making jokes about everyone in the car

'Yo why his head look like that' i snicker and point to carson, cooper and josh both laughed

'Bro it's flatter than a white gurl' cooper wheezes

(It's okay i'm a white girl i can confirm)

'Shit looks like what i would have to solve in ninth grade math class' josh adds on

we all laugh hysterically, until schlatt and carson eventually turn around. i was laughing so hard i started to tear up so i didn't blame them

'what is going on?' schlatt says with a grin on his face, We were laughing to hard to explain it to him, he eventually laughed at how pathetic we where, carson just stared

'it's his-' i start to say, but wheezed after josh looked at me red from laughing so hard, so i just drew out the shape of carson head in the air, Schlatt immediately knew

'oooooh!' he chuckled 'it's true!' carson looked at him puzzled 'You won't want to know trust me' schlatt pats carson back and turns back around


once we got to the fair, It was warmer than i imagined it would be so i took off my sweater and threw it around my waist, Showing off my black embroidered thrasher shirt, Which i tied into a crop top. Once i was finished i noticed schlatt staring, but didn't think anything of it.

we walked around the park and went on many rides, I loved rides so i went on all of them charlie and josh coming on every one with me.

'i don't understand how you guys do that' carson says after we got off a intense spin by ride

'what do you mean man it's so much fun' josh stumbles over, regaining balance on my shoulder

'I just prefer chiller rides i guess' carson shrugs 'we should all go on the ferris wheel later, The pods let four people on at a time' he tells the group, we all agreed

we wondered around for a while longer until we eventually wanted food, me and schlatt spiky form the rest of the group because we didn't want what they were eating

𝐵𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑠: a Lunch Club x readerWhere stories live. Discover now