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'what? n-no!' i stuttered in response 'i-i mean i've never thought of it like that, just as friends!' my face going red.

i was never really the romantic type. I would talk about my hyperfixiations or overthink everything going on and push partners away, Adhd isn't just bursts of energy, It's a form of autism that makes people think different. Stimming or fidgeting, over thinking and obsessive thoughts are part of this as well, So i never had the mental capacity to take on a relationship without getting treatment.

carson sighed. and looked up at me with a bright red face

'i'm sorry that was out of the blue. They y'all about you a lot and i was just curious' he scoffed. something was obvious bugging him but he seemed so distant

i sat right next to him on the bed, I could hear his lungs move as he breathed. like little balloons we sat in silence letting the calm air drink in and out of our systems. Until i made eye contact.

'what's wrong? you know you can tell me anything.' i say, worried about him

he looked me up and down, Almost like he was trying to take a picture with his mind. His glasses resting on the bridge of his nose slowly falling, he slid them up and coughed.

'yeah no i'm fine' he said a fake smile taking his cheeks 'why did i say something?'

'no! not at all. It's just whenever everyone talks about relationships or schlatt and i, Or even cooper you get really distant. When schlatt kissed me i saw you through the window. You looked angry or disappointed, even confused.'

he went silent. Trying to arrange his thoughts he sat there, Staring at the ground

'It's just... I know what schlatt did at prom, and seeing him just out of no where kiss you set something off in me' he let out an awkward chucked 'I just don't want to see you hurt again, yknow?'

i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. It was nice knowing at least one of the cared enough to protect me from harm, even if i didn't need it.

'thank you.' i look into his eyes 'That means a lot, especially coming from you.'

both of our cheeks went red as i got up

'i gotta go have a shower and get dinner ready, You wanna help with dinnah?' i say, opening the door

he chucked 'sure. what are we having?'

~time skip~

I walked downstairs in my bicycle shorts and tight fitting crop top, my wet hair dripping into the hardwood floor, I walked into the kitchen getting our pasta and sauce to start making

'C A R SON' i yelled, Getting him to come down

'hmm?' he peaked his head out of the doorway

'you still gonna help?' he laughs and sets his phone onto the island

we where having pasta with Alfredo sauce and bbq chicken, chopped up peppers and chives on top. With a side of watermelon, strawberry, Pineapple, grape fruit salad. or as we called it 'Eatin good dinnah' 

(when my dad has time from getting home from work he makes this! It's a special dinner cause he works early mornings to late at night, so i barley see him (-: )

carson was in charge of making da sauce and pasta, i was in fruit salad and chopping topping duty and ted was on grilling the chicken.

'Ay crank son' i say dicing red and yellow pepper

'Ay yeah what's up (y/n) carson replies mixing the alfred in a sauce pan

'Lowkey we should go throw a pepper at charlie'

he laughs and turns around 'why?'

'cause he's streaming, and i'm not bring him dinner cause i'm not slave' i take out a rotting red bell pepper and raise one eyebrow at carson

'fine, lemme turn down the heat quick tho'

we skuddle up stairs and quietly open charlie's door. His set up was facing away from his door so he couldn't see us. I snuck up until i was right behind him, waiting for his chat to notice me

'watch out...?' charlie says reading his chat

he's slowly turns his head and screams

' WHA T THE FUCK' he yells as i throw the bell pepper at his face. it exploded and pepper juice went everywhere.

'dinners ready!' i say running away before i get clobbered

carson and i laugh as we rub down the stairs, still hearing the screams of charlie in the other room

'should i go get the others?' I hold onto the counter to catch my breath

'sure' carson nods

i run back up the stairs to tell everyone that dinner is ready.

heyyy :)

sorry for the rant at the beginning abt adhd haha, and for ghosting y'all for like three days whoops

he updating again tmrw! i'm trying to do daily updates ;-)

ALSO SORRY 1k reads!!! what the fuck!!! i'll make the smut as i promised ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ but it'll be later on so it can go with the ideas i have for the chapters

tysm!! hope y'all like the book so far! i'm working on others as we speak (wink wonk)

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