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Though they are hundreds of miles apart, both girls wake up in a puddle of cold sweat at the same moment.

The ninja-girl is the first to recover, grabbing her phone from where it's charging on her bedside table. She immediately dials the other girl, who takes a minute to realize that her phone is ringing.

She knows it's her, who else would it be at midnight on the weekend?

"Did you-?"

"Yes. And you?"


It is silent for a moment.



No less than two minutes later, Nightingale arrives at Mount Justice via zeta-tube, carrying a brand-new carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream that will be gone in the next hour.

She wears a domino mask over her eyes to hide their sapphire-blue color. A black jumpsuit covers the rest of her body, complete with boots and gloves and a purple bird symbol on the chest. Last, but not least is the navy-blue skirt sticking out of her utility belt, which includes her beloved extendable bo staff among other things.

"Wildfire, B08."

Nightingale is now joined by her best friend, who wears a uniform that has stayed relatively the same for the past five years. Black tank top, orange boots and jacket, red pants, and goggles over her beautiful lavender eyes. The only new addition are the fingerless gloves that match those of her crush.

Together, the two make a beeline for the kitchen, where they spent many mornings of their shared teenage years bonding over a cup of hot chocolate or tea.

They eat the ice cream Nightingale brought in silence for a minute.

"Will Batman noticed this is gone?" Wildfire asks, examining the carton.

Nightingale shrugs in reply, "It doesn't matter."

She sets down her spoon, "What was it this time?"

Wildfire pauses, "The willow tree. Again. I keep on seeing it burn down again and again. Em, I don't know how much longer I can keep watching it happen! Sometimes Connor's in the tree too, and he gets burned down with it. And then my parents-" she chokes back a sob and buries her face In her hands.

Nightingale reaches over the counter and puts a hand on her shoulder. Instead of focusing on the memory of Willow's dead parents, she focuses on her old friend, "Hey, you know Connor is still alive. He's out there, somewhere, waiting for you to find him. I promise."

Willow wipes her eyes with the palm of her hand, pretending it doesn't bother her anymore. But she can't fool Emma.

"What about you?" She changes the subject instead, "What was your dream about?"

A tear, hidden by her mask, begins to form in the corner of Emma's eye.


So, I decided to go ahead and publish the prologue. Here you are! Enjoy!!!

Sparks Fly [Book Two in the "Fire And Lighting" Series]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora