Chapter 2: His Death

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It's another new day for everyone. The bright sun lit up the world, it's rays trespassing a certain someone's room as he was in a deep slumber. His curtains flattered with the refreshing wind, making him shiver with the additional cold breeze.

Hisashi slowly opened his eyes, a puddle of saliva coming out from his mouth was created on his pillow. He groaned while sitting up, and rubbing his eyes from the drowsiness at the same time. He glanced around his room, seeing that his windows were open again. His mother probably did that. When he saw the time from his alarm clock, he gasped in shock.

Without thinking twice, he bolted out of his bed and stormed inside his bathroom. He stripped himself within a few seconds, and finished taking a bath after a couple of minutes. He mentally scolded himself for not being aware of the time. He wore the usual set of uniform – after getting washed by his mother – and didn't even bother checking himself out on the mirror before running down the stairs.

He panted, heading towards the kitchen. He saw his mother placing down a lunchbox for him at the table. "Mom! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

His mother shot him a stern look that made him cower in fear, obediently stuffing the food inside his bag. "I told you to sleep early, right? But you didn't listen to me, you're up until dawn. That's your punishment, honey."

"But I was reading..." Hisashi pouted.

"Yeah, whatever." The older woman chuckled, fixing her son's disheveled black hair. "Your father left an hour ago, and your sister have decided to go out and shop at the mall. And you, young man, should hurry up because you're already late."

Hisashi bobbed his head up and down, pecking his mother's cheek. "Alright, bye, mom!"

She whole-heartedly laughed, waving a hand at him as she watched him sprint out of the house. "Have a good day, sweetheart!"

Hisashi picked up his bicycle, riding on it after closing their gate once he was outside. As he pedaled on the road, several students who were also catching up on time greeted him. Hisashi returned the kind gestures, speeding up more with a soft expression. Last night, he spent his time reading Quixotic Romance. Even though he barely had his eyes open, he forced himself to read most half of it and admitedly enjoyed the novel. After discovering about the handsome male characters with awesome personalities, Hisashi couldn't blame his crush if she fell in love with those fictional guys. He would be lying if he didn't say that he's jealous over them, because he does. Those men are beyond perfect and meanwhile, Hisashi was just an average boy that doesn't have any S-Rank magic powers and ruling over kingdoms.

Hisashi, who was cut off from his train of thoughts, shook his head to erase the voice in his head that kept degrading him. The corner of his lips curled upwards, getting more and more excited when he saw the figure of his school from the distance.

He parked his bike on it's usual spot and made sure that it's locked before rushing upstairs to his classroom. The dark-haired male sucked his breath in anxiety when he heard their strict science teacher discussing lessons inside, he knew he's in a big trouble remembering that she doesn't want her students late. Lifting up his fighting spirit, he quietly inhaled before opening the door.

"You better have a good reason for being late, Hisashi Tadaomi." The teacher spoke with an angry tone, though her beautiful face remained calm and calculated as she looked at him.

Hisashi froze, shivers ran down his spine as he felt the whole class staring at him. However, the thought of Hanamizu gazing at him brought butterflies inside his stomach. He was about to grin like an idiot, when he realized the situation he was currently in. He coughed on purpose, lowering his head in shame. "I... I helped the homeless man find his house, I guess...?"

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