Tired and Cuddly- Harry

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Summary: Harry spent all day doing PR stunts and when he goes home he's ready to cuddle

Harry has spent all day running around with his recent beard, Taylor Swift. He hasn't had one minute to sit down and relax or take a short nap, he had to wake up extra early in the morning for PR stunts, leaving while louis was asleep.

He's currently finishing up his "date" with Taylor and is getting ready to go back to the tour bus. He's so ready to just curl up (haha get it)and go to sleep. He gets into his car and tells the driver to go back to the tour bus. It's around 7pm, even if its a little early to go to sleep, he doesn't care he just wants to sleep.

The car pulls up beside the tour bus and he gets out, thanking the driver and trudging towards the tour bus doors. He throws the door open and closes it with force, taking off his coat and shoes. He walks by Niall, Liam and Zayn nodding to them and walking to his clothes, grabbing a pair of sweats and louis' sweatshirt and changes into them. He walks back out to the main area of the tour bus, seeing louis laying on the couch with his knees up, on his phone. He didn't see the other lads around so he assumed they were still in the kitchen area.

He walked over to louis, kneeling on the couch in front of him, grabbing his knees and spreading them so that he could lay in between. He rested his head on louis' stomach and wrapped his arms around his petite waist. Louis chuckled, putting his phone down and carded his fingers through harry's curls, smiling fondly down at the younger boy nuzzling his stomach.

"Comfortable?" Louis questioned, only to get a muffled and inaudible reply from his boyfriend, who was now pressing his face into louis' tummy.

Louis knew that Harry was out doing PR stunts and having "dates" with Taylor all day, so he knew when Harry got home he would be all tired and cuddly, and possibly grumpy. He felt bad for his boyfriend being seen as the "womanizer" but there was nothing he could do but be there for Harry through it until they could finally be free.

Louis smiled when he realized Harry had already fallen asleep, short puffs of air leaving his pink plump lips. He watched how Harrys eyelashes lightly brushed his cheekbone, while his lilac lids were closed. He couldn't stop himself from lifting up the hand that wasn't tangled in his boyfriends curls to lightly trace his cheekbone. Harry stirred and burrowed his face more into louis' stomach, lightly tickling the older boy.

Harry lifted his head up to stare into Louis' ocean eyes, slightly entranced by how gorgeous and deep they were. Louis' eyes settled on Harrys and he brought up the same hand to trace Harry's cheekbone again, this time Harry leaned into his touch.

Harry let his eyes flutter shut for a moment before opening them and slightly gasping at louis' beauty. No matter how long they've been together, no matter how many times Harry has seen Louis he will always believe Louis is even more beautiful than the last, he will never get used to the beauty of Louis.

Louis chuckled at the expression on Harry's face and cupped his jaw, loving how smooth Harry's skin was and how he leaned into Louis' touch.

"Had a good day lovely?" He asked, smiling down at the younger boy.

"M'tired Lou, jus wanna sleep.." Harry trailed off with a yawn. He nuzzled his nose back into Louis' tummy, closing his eyes again. Louis laughed quietly, slipping his hand back into Harry's hair and massaging his scalp. Harry let out a small "purr" and fell asleep.

The other three boys walked out of the kitchen and to the couch area, seeing Harry fast asleep on Louis, and Louis looking down fondly at his boyfriend while absentmindedly running a hand through his curls. They all quietly cooed at the adorable couple, but apparently not quiet enough because Louis looked up and them and smiled.

"You guys are so adorable ahhhh, I need a picture!!!" Niall whisper-yelled. He took out his phone and took a picture of his OTP, and putting it back in his pocket.

They all sat down around the couch and turned on the tv to watch friends re-runs for a while, when Liam decided it was time for bed since they had a concert and a signing the next day.

The three boys went into their bunks while Louis untangled himself from Harry, then picking him up and bringing him to his bunk, climbing in next to him. Harry cuddled into his chest, still fast asleep, as Louis wrapped his arms around him and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, his world in his arms.

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