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Desperado~ Rihanna

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Desperado~ Rihanna

~G U M M Y  W O R M S~
"She had completely lost herself."

"WHY DO I have to go to school, mama?" Blaise whined the morning of the first day of high school. She stayed at home for most of eighth grade, seeing as her dad had just died and she couldn't go through the whole day without crying, snapping at someone, or starting a fight.

"So you don't end up like the himarner in this neighborhood," she said as she searched for the old leather bag Blaise's father used to carry around. (Idiots) (Armenian)

Blaise groaned. "But there are plenty of himarner at school."

Her mother shrugged. "But most of them don't have a criminal record."

Blaise scowled before stomping into her room. She'd usually stomp up the stairs, but seeing as how she had to move from her old house into her dingy apartment, there aren't any stairs to stomp up.

She hated life ever since her dad died.

The next morning, Blaise stomped out from her room wearing some baggy, black sweatpants a dirty, grey hoodie, and her old combat boots. She plopped down onto the large bin that was at the small, crappy table, seeing as her mom had to sell all of their old furniture to buy the apartment and she couldn't afford any chairs. Her mother frowned at the sight of her moping daughter. Ever since her husband died, she stopped dressing like she used to and sold all of her bright, cute, old clothes to buy dark and dingy clothing from the thrift store.

"Good morning, Kindle," her mother greeted her softly.

Blaise shook her head. "It's Blaise," she mumbled.

Kindle felt a pang in her heart. "You don't like your name?"

Blaise glared at her. "Blaise is my name, okay?!" She snapped.

Kindle frowned. "I don't appreciate that tone, young lady."

"Well I don't appreciate that my dad got shot by some dumbass fucker who wanted some extra cash from a shitty gas station!" She yelled.

"Watch your mouth!" Kindle scolded.

"Fuck you!" Blaise yelled before stomping over to the door. She grabbed her bag and stormed outside of her house, slamming the door harshly after her.

Kindle flinched and swallowed the lump in her throat. She looked up at the ceiling and shook her head. "She's not the same, my love. She's... she's Blaise now."

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