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Clean Me Up ~ Thomas Headon

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Clean Me Up ~ Thomas Headon

~W O L F   F O R E S T~
"I think I know who can help you find Saint."

SPENCER KNOCKS on the large doors of MC and Will's house. Apparently the guards at the gate were expecting them, because Spencer didn't even have to say anything for them to let him through.

Rich people, needing a fucking gate and shit. He thinks.

A small, Japanese woman peeks out from behind the door. Judging from the similarities between her and MC, it's Mrs. Tanaka. When she sees who Spencer is holding, Mrs. Tanaka gasps and opens the door fully.

"Kindle! Oh my goodness, it's been so long my dear!" She exclaims.

Blaise waves apathetically. "'Sup Okasaan."

The small woman motions for the two teens to come inside. "Come, come! I made some okaki for the kids!"

Blaise hops down from Spencer's grip and scurries inside the house, quickly taking off her shoes by the door. "Yum, okaki!" She cheers.

Spencer bows respectfully to Mrs. Tanaka after he takes a step inside the house. "Hello, Mrs. Tanaka. You have a lovely home."

Mrs. Tanaka smiles brightly and nods towards him. "Thank you! You must be Spencer. Willow talks about you all the time."

"I do not!" Will grumbles from her spot in the living room.

Mrs. Tanaka winks over to Spencer. "She totally does." She mouths.

Spencer chuckles quietly as he shakes his head. He takes off his shoes and makes his way over to the massive living room. It's far more colorful than what he would've expected. Most people stick to neutrals in their living room-- especially rich people-- but the Tanakas clearly aren't into being like everyone else.

The room has an open floor plan, with the wall connecting to the kitchen being a bright red accent wall while every other wall is a bright white. The couches are bright yellow with the names "Tanaka", "Willow-Azalea", "Myraliz-Cedar", "Haruto", and "Fumiko-Lily" written in different graffiti styles all over them. Clearly those are the names of the family in the house hold. On the walls are several large scale photos of MC and Will's modeling work, some pictures of them working on different designs for jackets and shoes, and a bunch of pictures of the family on different trips. The largest photo, however, is the photo of a young Japanese man in a cluttered workshop room. He has glasses pushed back onto his head, several splotches of paint and charcoal on his hands and face, and is next to a sewing machine with an unfinished garment inside of it. There are several plush, sky blue rugs under the couches, a large, 70-plus-inch TV on the wall. In the middle of the couches-- that are in a semi-circle in order to see the TV-- is a deep mahogany coffee table that is currently covered with colorful bowls filled with okaki.

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