Chapter 2

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Above is the closest picture of the look I am looking for to be the Jackpot main house. Just imagine it is more of a Virginia landscape. Basically the land is green and has a lot of trees.

~7:00, Jackpot Mansion, Virginia, US~

Runes walked up to the front door of the mansion in front of him. He rang the doorbell as soon as he reached the doors. The doors opened a second later showing one of the butlers of the house. He bowed down and moved aside so Runes could enter. As soon as he did he walked quickly through the massive walls straight to his destination. He soon arrived at the room. He then proceeded to slam the doors open pressing his thumb down hard of the airhorn he just so happened to have. The man in the room jumped from his bed hitting the floor with a loud thump.

"Get up Jackass we have things to do today!" Runes yelled striding over to the fallen body kicking him once in the side.

"Ugh," Ace groaned from his position on the floor, "What the hell Runes. What time is it," The fallen man said with his deep morning voice.

"7:05 now get your lazy ass up. It's bad enough I had to come to babysit you to make sure you come to this damn meeting. Don't make it harder for the both of us," Runes said kicking him in the side once more. Ace slapped his leg away rolling over on his back. In response, Runes blasted the airhorn again right next to Ace's ear. Ace yelped before scrambling up to glare at Runes. It didn't work though because Runes just looked at him amused at his bed head.

Ace rolls his eyes before stretching as he walked to his closet. He soon came out with a handful of formal clothes. "I am going to take a shower don't be a pervert and get some food or something."

"Ya whatever like I would want to see your ugly ass anyways," Runes said heading for the door.

Around forty-five later Ace walked into the dining room where Runes was enjoying a nice breakfast made by the Jackpot families five-star chefs. It is not as good as Slade Broils food but it was sufficient.

"Ugh, it is too early for my lovely pansexual ass to be up," Ace whined placing holding his head in his hands.

"Get over it drama queen you are going to have to get used to it after all you are the heir of the Jackpot family," Runes said giving the heterochromatic eyed man a deadpan stare.

"Says you Mr. Runes Apollo Delfhi the most promising heir the family has ever seen," Ace said making air quotes at the last part.

Runes sighed before replying, "You know I hate it when you say that Mr. Ace Spades Jackpot."

"Oh but that is why I do it Dumbass I thought you were smart enough to know that," Ace said smirking at the man sitting in the seat next to him.

Before either of the two could say anything else. The doors to the dining room open and a 16-year-old boy with black and white hair entered the room. The boy beamed at the sight of the two 21-year-olds. He rushed over giving Ace aside huge before sitting in the seat next to him.

"Ace, Runes, I didn't think you two would be here at this time," The boy said smiling widely at the two.

"We have a stupid meeting to go to this morning it isn't all that exciting Dice," Ace said ruffling his little brother's hair.

"It isn't stupid it is very important and it is our job to go as heir to our houses," Runes said nodding at Dice respectfully.

"Oh like you want to go," Ace said rolling his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. Dice snickered at the two's interaction. He then started to eat the breakfast that was sitting in front of him quickly. After he was done he stood up. "It was nice to see you both I hardly see you guys around much. Anyways I have to head off to school. Don't die of boredom on me!" Dice said rushing to the door slinging to his backpack on his shoulder once a maid gave it to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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