Chapter 1

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An update shocking I know. Anyways lets getting to work.

~23:35 casino, DC, US~

The flashing colored light blinded me as I walked through the soft mummers of the crowd. I know they were talking about me. I'm used to it by now. I walked up to the bulky security guard. His cold eyes from behind his reflecting black glasses stared at me judging me. He scanned me until he came across the marking on my hands. The eyes on the back of my hand glowed and shimmered in the lights. The man instantly stiffens at the sight.

"Mr. Delfhi what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you here," The mans ruff voice questions shakily.

"Cut the shit. Where's Ace?" I answer pissed at the said man.

"Right this way sir," The man instantly scrambled off me following with a new anger. Ugh why must he persist on hiding from me, that asshole.

We arrived to a door that looked to head to a private room. The man opened the door to show Ace in a match with a egotistical scum.

"Hey asshole what the fuck are you hiding from me for!" I screamed going over to the red black and white haired boy I happen to call my friend. Well more frenemy than anything.

"Oh Runes oh my sweat only friend," Ace sarcased out of his smirking pie hole. Ace slapped down his deck clearly winning the game. The other man looked shocked. "Cough up the money Ass-hat we had a bet," Aces smirk gleamed as he leaned towards the clearly terrified man.

"I-I'll ha-have it h-here by tomorrow sir," The man stammered as he bolted out of the room clearly pissing pants. Panicking at his own life choices.

"What did this egotistical bastard do for your to make him run with his tail between his legs?" I asked sitting across from my so called friend.

"Oh you know the usual. Bet me one million that he could beat me at the game and win the title," Ace shrugged putting his feet on the table between us. "So what do you want Runes. It's not everyday that you come and see me."

"What I can come and see you ugly mug every once and a while," I scoffed at him.

"You as if. You wouldn't want to see me even if the world depended on it. And we all know I am not ugly. I was voted sexiest man alive you know," Ace smirked.

"Who doesn't you bost about it every waking moment," I rolled my eyes at the red, black, and white haired man in front of me. "Anyways I'm here because of what happened yesterday," I leaned forward in my chair getting serious.

"What about it?" Ace questioned getting serious as well.

"You know as well as I do our fathers will send us to scare out the enemy," I said starring straight into his red and black colored eyes. "You also that this will be part of our succession of the seats."

He sighed, "I know that I just don't know why they are sending us together." He leaned back in his chair arms folded behind his head and closed his eyes.

"I'm guessing it's a test to see if we can work together with people even if they are opposite of us," I said slightly gazing at his marking. As far as markings go his is truly magnificent. It's like a deck of cards falling down his arm and at the top on his shoulder is the ace of spades clear as day detailed to perfection. It far shines all markings any powers have.

"That must be it after all everyone knows we hate each other, yet we are slightly friends I guess?" He said stroking his chin at the idea.

"Welp get off your ass we have a meeting at nine tomorrow morning," I said standing up and stared down at Ace.

"Ugh that's to early," Ace wined putting his feet down and laying his head on the table.

"Every time is to early for you dipshit," I called as I left the room.

"So mean Runes I thought you loved me," he called stumbling out of the room catching up to me.

"Nobody can love a jackass like you halfwit," I said smirking at the man beside me.

"Back at you dullard," He said smirking back at me.

With that comment we went headed to our homes to retire for the night.

Hope you like the chapter. Please comment if you want to add something to the story I am open to any suggestions if it improves the story. Hope you all have a great day bye-bye.

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