3. No-Fun Noah

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Previously: I don't need to be dating Shelly to not want her in over her head at a college party filled with jackasses. But now she's riled up, so whatever I say is just going to make her more determined. So... I just won't say anything.

"You're right, none of my business. Enjoy that movie, Shelly. You do have my number in your phone for when you need rescuing, right?"

"Good night, Noah." Elle sounds distinctly annoyed as she watches me walk away.


Shelly looks even more annoyed a couple hours later when she spots me sitting outside the Spee house. Those jeans and sweater she'd been wearing at dinner have been replaced by a short skirt and a clingy top—I'm pretty sure she's not headed to the movies.

"So now you're stalking me?" Elle accuses.

"You mean keeping you out of trouble? Yeah."

"I told you to mind your own business, Noah."

"And I told you to stay away from this party."

"I'm not alone. Kara's here, and some guys she knows, and my debate friends. I'll be fine."

"Sounds like a big group. Guess there's room for one more, then."

"I don't need a babysitter!"

"Babysitting would be hauling you out of here. This is just keeping you from doing anything stupid that I get blamed for."

"You didn't invite me here, you made your disapproval clear, I promise not to blame you. Now, will you please leave me alone?"

"And yet, I'm still the one our parents will blame if anything happens. So no, I'm not going anywhere."


I mostly keep my distance as Elle and her friends hang out and dance, but when a guy I know—a guy I know and have no particular trust in—tries to chat his way into their circle, I decide to relocate myself nearby. The fact that I bump his shoulder as I walk by is completely coincidental and accidental, and I definitely feel extremely remorseful when I see him walk away to mop up the drink he spilled down his shirt. Remorseful and, fine, a little bit amused.

Elle, however, is not at all amused as she grabs my arm and yanks me into the next room, away from her friends.

"Really? You're playing this game again?"

Okay, so maybe this isn't the first time I've deployed that move against some knucklehead talking to Elle at a party.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I smirk.

"Noah, that guy was nice, and you scared him off!"

I really doubt that guy was nice, given where his eyes were glued the entire time they talked, but sure.

"Just one of my many fake-boyfriend services. Was this not the favor you begged for yesterday?"

"I asked you to scare off Jamie. Not every guy within a five-mile radius."

"You really should have been more specific. Keep that in mind next time you blackmail me."

"ARGH. One day I really am going to beat you with a lshoe."

"You keep saying that, and yet here we are."

Elle huffs in frustration. "Okay, new rule. If you refuse to leave, at least do your glaring from five yards away. And no more accidental walk-bys."

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