Ignorance is your new best friend - Jasper Hale love story <3

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We spent around an hour talking, and getting to know one another, I found out that Edward, Jasper and     the rest of their siblings were adopted, and their father was a doctor in the local hospital.

I found out that next semester starts in 3 weeks, so I wont have any friends for that amount of time apart from these.

We settled down and started to watch a film. Bella sat next to Edward, Alice sat on her own and that left me to sit next to Jasper. I have to admit I felt so awkward, I barely knew him, but when i sat down next to him all of that awkwardness seemed to disappear, as if it melted away into nothing.

We watched a horror, and i have to admit it scared the shit out of me.

I peared up at the clock and sighed. 9pm. It was time to go make the medication rounds. I have to take medicine to control my A.D.D, and my diabetes. I didnt want to go because it was dark upstairs and I had to go up there alone. Its stupid isnt it? Films scare me! I probably will end up with nightmeres tonight. I got apprehensive and restless. 9:15pm. I really need to go take them.

I think Japser sensed how restless I was and he asked if I was okay, whispering into my ear. I sighed. 

"No.." I wispered back. "I have to go take some medication and I dont really wanna go.." I said all too nervously.

"I'll go with you." I looked at him not sure weather he was being sarcastic or not. I nodded cautiously.

We both got up and left the room. 

I stopped near the end of the stairs. He looked at me, and went before I did, I followed him. I know nothings there just ... scary films eh?

I overtook him, and went to my room turning the light on. 

"Sorry, I'm not good with horror films. At all." I said reaching for my meds bag. 

"It's fine, that film is boring anyways, seen it many times before." He said in a smooth texas accent.

I smiled slightly, was he trying to make me feel better? I cant tell.

I started counting out my pills, and kept loosing count, over and over again.

"Are you okay?" Jasper asked me sitting on the esge of my bed.

"Just cant keep count of my pills. I count them and forget...jet lag for ya ey.." I sighed. I tapped my foot, and started counting. 

"Here i'll count, how many?" 

"2, 3 and 4." I said pionting at the boxes on my bed. I sighed. It was awkward sitting in the same room as him as i barely know him!

I picked my contour up, (a/n blood sugar tester) and got it ready. I cleaned my finger and jabbed myself with the stick needle thing. I hate doing that. 

Jasper froze looking at me. There was a strained look on his face and it looked painful.

"Not a fan of blood I can see." He was silent as the night. I wiped the blood off my finger and his eyes followed my every movement. It was creepy. It's like hes possessed. 

I laughed nervously and got my insulin injection and turned away from him. I Injected myself and when I was done, he let a breath of air out as if he had been holding it.

"Sorry. Im a diabetic, I probably should of said...your obviously not a blood lover." I said grimly swallowing my pills.

"Its fine." He managed to choke out. 

"So...uh...You're from texas?" I said trying to get out of this awkward position.

"Yeah moved here last year after I was adopted." Jasper said relaxing slightly.

I relaxed as he relaxed, it was weird. 

"Im from England. London. This is so different here,hardly any traffic, hardly any cops, no break ins....that sort. Im glad I came here...new start." I smiled at him. He has honey blonde hair, and eyes that are radiant gold, so beautiful...

"Why did you move here?" He asked quietly.

Someone was bound to ask.

"Well. You're bound to fine out sooner or later i guess," I sighed. "Well. My mum abused me as a kid, I would be beaten until I could barely whisper a plea for help. Starved, and locked up. Her boyfriend came home one day and he..." I looked at jasper, to see if i could pick his emotions up..nothing. "He..he raped me. From that day, I couldnt care less about my life. I went out partying late at night, coming home and she would beat me for escaping."

"Why did you go back there?" His sorrow was showing i could feel it over me.

"When you have no place to go..its different. It finally came to an end when I was doing drugs, anything i could get my hands on. I was kicked out, and sent here, and then she made me come back home. I was devastated. So, when my drugs problem got out of hand,the police came knocking at the door. I hid some cocaine in her room; i wanted revenge, and i hid in my room. They arrested her for possesion of drugs, and abuse. I went into a care home.  I was awol there, partying bunking school, drinking. Then they found my father, because they couldnt handle me. I was sent to go live with him, and we started travelling. My father took me to the doctor, and we found out i have A.D.D and diabetes. He struggled, and sent me here." I sinished with a faint smile.

Jasper looked at me and reached over to grab my hand. I was breathing deeply.

I flinched when he touched me, but in all honesty it felt good, his ice cold hands were like electric flying through my body. 

He left me speechless and he never done anything. We sat on the end of my bed staring at eachother.

Ignorance is your new best friend - Jasper Hale love storyWhere stories live. Discover now