Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

                When Max brought me home, my mother was already asleep in bed. Max escorted me upstairs to my room, passing my mom’s by the way. She was sprawled out on her bed, snoring lightly from all the glasses of wine she had when Mr. Rosenfeld was over earlier tonight. My guess was that the only reason why she drank so much was to get her mind off of Colette.

                “How’s your knee?” Max finally asked me, as he sat me down on my bed, turning the lamp on my nightstand to get a better view of the deep, red gash below my kneecap.

                Max went over to grab a tissue, drying up the blood as I winced. “Still hurts.” I muttered.

                Cursing under his breath, Max left my room to go find a first aid kit. When he came back, he was already taking out cotton balls and dabbing them in some antiseptic. “This is going to sting.” He mumbled, before lightly cleaning my cut. I bit down on my lower lip from screaming at the immense pain, digging my nails into my palms. Once Max finished, he took out a bandage, wrapping it all over my knee.

                “Wear shorts so that you don’t put any pressure on the cut.” Max said, packing up the first aid kid.

                I frowned. “Shorts? What am I supposed to tell my mom if she asks why there is a huge gash on my knee?”

                Max groaned, as he ran a hand through his curly blonde locks. “Tell her the truth that you tripped over a tree branch while walking.”

                I raised an eyebrow, giving him a small smile. “You left out the part where we were running from the cops, in the woods.”

                That got Max to lighten up a bit, as a childish grin spread across his face. He got up on his feet, as he gave me a light peck on my forehead. “I’ve got to go now, okay?” he whispered, as he turned off the lights. “If you need anything, call me.”

                I gave him a light smile, but I was pretty sure he couldn’t see it in my dark room. I heard footsteps going down the stairs, and the front door to my house opening and closing. I sat up to look out the window, just to see Max pull out of my driveway. When I was sure he was gone, I laid back down on my bed, trying to get some sleep.

                But, the harder I tried to go to bed, the harder it was to fall asleep. I kept wondering if Everett had gotten caught by the police or not. My fingers were itching to call him, because I still had his number on my phone, memorized and on speed dial. But, every time I got up to reach for my phone, I ultimately chickened out, and tried to go back to sleep.

                At three in the morning, I was so close to falling asleep. But, before I could go off into a dreamless sleep, there was a soft thud pounding against my windows. I jolted awake, thinking it was a burglar at first. I quietly peered over to my window, just as another rock hit against the glass. I finally found a dark figure standing on my front lawn.

                When I looked closer, I noticed that it wasn’t just any random stranger; it was Everett.

                I let out a breath of relief, as I got up to go downstairs. As I walked, I couldn’t help but feel a jolt of pain in my knee, but I kept walking for Everett.

                When I opened the front door, Everett was already standing there. He was wearing the same clothes he had on a few hours ago, but his hair was disheveled and his eyes looked weak and tired.

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