Four Marks

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You are sitting at the table with Geralt enjoying your break and time alone,  soon you realize that the tavern becomes more lively as a bard dressed in very bright blues with red accents comes to the center of the room with his lute. a nice tune strikes up as he starts playing a lively tune that seems to be a warning to all those at the tavern. To you and Geralt though it seems to be a joke, so you both just keep to yourselves drinking your pints and relaxing after a very long journey. This break giving Roach and Oakley time to rest and eat in the near by barn. The music stops as you hear yelling,  and you turn to see that the bard is getting pelted with small loaves of bread by the other diners in the bar. You smile a bit to yourself as the bard is picking up some pieces off the ground and leaves his lute to rest against the window frame. Soon feel a presence beside you as you sip the last of your pint. Setting  it down you slowly lift your head to meet the yellow eyes of Geralt and you notice the anger and discomfort on his face as you slowly turn your head to the side seeing the face of the once performing bard sitting next to you. " I love how you two just sit in the corner and brood" he comments. Geralt easily back hands his comment without much thought and replies " were here to drink alone". " No yah good, no one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance except you two". You both give him a side glance knowing that both of you wanted to be left alone in that moment. Your usually bubbly demeanor lessened because of the complete and utter exhaustion that the both of you were feeling. "Oh come on you don't want to leave a man with bread in his pants waiting, you must have some review for me, three words or less." You smirk a little as Geralt sits there emotionless and says " they don't exist". in your mind you know exactly what he is talking about, knowing the monsters in the bards story are phony and don't really exist, you and Geralt of all people would be the ones to know. Yet the Bard still replies, "What don't exist." You finally decide that its your turn to pipe up, "the monsters in your story, they don't exist" Jaskier gets giddy and looks back and forth between the two of you. He settles his eyes on Geralt "Ah, fun white hair, two very scary looking swords" He pauses for a minute, "I know who you are". Geralt sees this as his chance to escape the torture of having to talk to somebody with such and eccentric personality. He grabs his bags and sends you a side glance signaling you to get up and follow suit. " You are Geralt of Rivia" his eyes glance over to you as he looks you up and down " And you my lovely lady must be his  companion (y/n) of Novigrad" You give him a shy and reserved smile and turn back towards Geralt mouthing the words lets go with wide eyes. He then turns and leads you the rest of the way to the exit. Right as you are about to exit a man with deep brown eyes and curly brown hair approaches you with a supposed job. He states that a devil has been haunting his field and needs you to get rid of him. At this point of the conversation both you and Geralt realize that what he is saying is complete bogus and decide to take your business else where. Just as the two of you turn to finally leave he says that he will pay you in advance so you and Geralt give him a final glance and you take the payment. You then head to the near bye stable to grab Roach and Oakley to head on your way. As the two of you are walking in silence beside your horses you hear the nearby patter of footsteps and soon enough the bard from earlier shows up beside you. "uh, need a hand I got two, you know one for each of the devils horns." he says. "Go away" Geralt grunts out. You give the bard a sympathetic look. The bard continues on his banter saying how he won't be but silent back up and you just know that what he is saying is a complete lie as he hasn't shut up since you have met him. You, Geralt and Jaskier eventually arrive to the field where the supposed devil is residing. you give each other a look and you tie your horses to the trees at the opening of the patch of field. You then slowly creep toward the area of dry looking grass and hear the bard calling out something along the lines of don't leave him alone. You then feel his presence behind you and suddenly hear a projectile wiz by. You whip around and see Geralt on the ground and you run over to his side checking if he was okay. You then hear another one wiz by and you then see Jaskier hit the ground, you assure that Geralt is okay before going to check on the bard who is now knocked out due to the projectile. You then hear two bodies hit the ground behind you and whip around to see Geralt and the 'devil' rustling in the middle of the open patch. You witness as Geralt gets a chunk of his white har ripped out and you grimace at the sight and rub your head as if he just pulled out a chunk of your own hair. Not paying attention you feel a hard swing to the back of your head and you instantly see black as your body touches the ground. Geralt meets the same fate soon after.

Cliff hanger guys! these episodes are super long so I will most likely be splitting them into two! 

please feel free to give feed back! 


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