Untitled Part 15

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Nualily was left behind on the hunt the next night. Colton very nearly made me stay back to watch her, but we ended up with higher numbers than expected, and even clean up crew was pushed thin. He paired himself with Justin, putting me with Christine. It seemed more reasonable than foolish, even if it partly was to satisfy his own feelings.

We headed further west, to the area of town mostly clouded by drugs, more so than our own neighborhood. Far from Nualily's house in the east. The address given to us wasn't one of a home, but rather a shack. No light came from the inside.

"Let's end this," Christine said beside me as we observed the front, pulling a dagger from her belt. I recognized it as one of Natasha's. "Come on."

I followed her lead, her determination good enough for the both of us. It should have been an easy fight; not as easy as with Nualily, but as close as we could get. The demon was waiting for us, though, turned around as we entered silently, staring off into the void. He sensed us instantly, still, and we were flung against the flimsy wall, splinters digging their way into my arms.

"Good evening," he said, waiting a moment before finally turning to look at us. Chris gripped her knife firmly.

"Not so much," I countered, trying to break free. His hold on us was strong.

"Relax, Auden," he chuckled, shaking his head, his tongue clicking in mockery. "We're here to chat. Come, sit."

It was then that I saw the chairs set up in the small space, and also then that we were picked up like rag dolls and transferred to them. Chris started muttering the exorcism prayer under her breath.

"Now, now, let's not make this difficult," he said, his eyes darkening into a black with her words. She didn't stop. He approached, taking out a knife of his own, moving to slice open her arm.

I picked up where she left off as her voice died out into screams, and he hissed, his eyes turning to me, his grip on us lightening as he stopped dragging the knife through Chris' skin. Christine took this as an opportunity, swinging her leg out against the restraints and still managing to kick his legs out from underneath him, pouncing on him in an instant, the knife that he stuck in her arm now in her hand and ready to slash his throat. He was caught off guard, but flung her across the room before she could kill him. I continued with the prayer, onto the second verse when he looked back to me.

"Silence!" he cried, wrapping the air around my throat enough that I couldn't speak, but air getting through to the extent that I wouldn't die. "I'm here to speak to you."

I heard Christine start to chant under her breath in the corner, and we were making it to the end of the prayer until he said, "It's about Nualily."

I stared at him. He waited. Broke his grip on my throat. Started to crumple as the prayer was coming to a close.

"Stop," I called to Christine, just before the final line. She hesitated, nearly continuing on anyways.

"Auden," she warned, breaking the prayer. I ignored her.

"Say what you've come to say," I told him. He obliged.

"Adriel isn't who you think she is," he started, and I nearly killed him then and there. He saw the shift in my eyes and pushed down on me lightly, keeping me in place. "She's playing both sides in our world, but either way, she isn't on yours."


"This war isn't about you," he stated, cutting me off. "It's never been about you. You're just players in the game."

"Then what is it about?" I demanded, part of me protesting to taking any information from a demon. Even if they were all lying, there had to be some truth in bits of what they said.

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