Untitled Part 6

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 I had another night off duty, since we hunted every other night. I woke up in Colton's arms, a little surprised to find him still there. He was awake, and I got an instant apology from him, which I accepted. He left first, being sure no one saw him, and I sat up to get ready for the day, deciding after that I didn't really feel like doing anything. I got up, went to my bookshelf, and scanned the section of unread books. I decided on Vanity Fair, and after choosing it plopped down on my bed with it, reading a large chunk before Nat welcomed herself into my room.

"I brought cookies," she said before I could say anything, throwing a bag of still warm cookies at my head. I grabbed them immediately.

"I forgive you for everything you've ever done wrong," I told her, undoing the bag and reaching in, the warmth of the first one I grabbed spreading over my hand as I took a bite. I closed my eyes when it hit my tongue, savoring the sweet taste of Christine's blessed grandmother.

Thinking of Christine, I glanced up. Natasha had already made her way onto my bed while the cookie had taken me to a separate dimension. "How are things going with your partner?"

"Not as well as things are with yours," she replied, smirking, "but good. She's pretty upset about the breakup, hence the many cookies Roberta has been making."

"Roberta?" I raised my eyebrows.

"We're on a first name basis," Nat grinned, reaching over and snatching one of my cookies. I yelped out in protest, but she took a bite before I could get it back. "Anyways, I came here to ask you about your partner, because I'm dying to know what the hell is going on with that."

"I see," I said, taking another mouthful of cookie. She crossed her legs, waiting. "Okay, I guess? I don't really know."

"He slept here last night," she stated. My eyes widened. "Oh, come on, Auden. He was blushing all the way to the kitchen and looking sheepish as hell, of course he was here. I'm not an idiot."

"Yeah, well, he's in the closet. Way in the closet. So I hope everyone but you is an idiot."

"He's twenty-two and has no mommy or daddy to come out to," Nat said, rolling her eyes. "For Christ's sake, the boy is fine."


"What? I could fuck a girl right now and no one in this building would give a damn, and the people here are the only family any of us have. He has nothing to be scared of."

"Except for himself," I said. She sighed.

"No, Auden. He really doesn't. He just has to change out of his diaper and grow the hell up, because you deserve better. You shouldn't have to be hidden."

Colton came back later, a plate of food in his hand. We had dinner together in my bed, and then I read to him for a while while he rested his head in my lap. He fell asleep at one point, so I kept reading, running my free hand through his hair and occasionally pausing to stare down at him. He woke up an hour later, and I marked my page and set my book aside. He cuddled up closer to me and I chuckled.

"Do we really have to cover cleanup?" I asked him, already regretting the following night.

"Tomorrow, yes. I've already made the plans. But after that..." he rolled over so he could see me, "I think we could just fight. I usually wait at least a month, but... I feel like we're pretty bonded, and I know we could fight well together."

"Thank God," I said, my head falling back. "Cleanup is the worst."

"But necessary. And I'd make you do it more, but I need you fighting. You're the best we have."

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