Chapter 11

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Fetasa was one of five of the Northern Dwarven Kingdoms. Each of the five kingdoms have a different specialty that is used to keep all of them bound by trade agreements and allyships to each other so that they all survive. Tiana looked around the tunnel, it almost effortlessly turned into a hallway within what might've been Fetasa's Palace.

"This is one of the tunnels that bypass the Kingdom gates, it enters into the cellar of the Fetasa Feasting Hall, it was made and upkept at the behest of the Baba." Grem said as a Dwarf who was taller than the rest by at most a head walked up to them and looked over Tiana in great concern. "On'ko, you scare."

He nodded and pulled the Nymph off of the draka. "On'ko carry plant one." His deep but airy voice was heavy with the Dwarvic accent.

"Thank you, On'ko." Tiana watched as he nodded and walked quietly beside them.

"Please be patient with our resident Na'Hir, he's learning the Common tongue so that he could  speak with those he helped. He's spoken Dwarvic since the day he first breathed so he's having a little trouble getting used to it." Grem's gentle smile played in his voice as he spoke. "Freta, Okono?"

On'ko nodded and looked to Tiana with a proud smile. "Okono is dwarf name me."

"May I name you Okono too?" Tiana asked gently using the same words he did to make it easier for him to translate.

He nodded vigourously.

"He doesn't let just anyone call him that, usually just us dwarves get to." Grem led them up a slight incline. "I wonder why he'd let you."

"Amran hemim Aztuan begrem Az." On'ko sounded serious is voice helping a draft find its way to the troup which giving the two awake visitors chills.

"My Lady, have you selected a name?" Grem stopped and looked seriously into Tiana's eyes.

"It would seem like my name has already been chosen for me." Tiana didn't waver before the dwarf.

"It would seem so. I'm taking you to a place where you may freshen up. You look like the living dead, Amethyst." Grem then turned and lead them down a side tunnel. "We keep diplomatic guests here, back when the Drak would travel for their mates we housed a king or two here so there should be a room large enough for you to at least stretch."

They were shown to suitable rooms and Thorn was placed with Tiana while Anthony made a suggestion of a time to be finished with freshening up and Tiana gave him a look which made him hush it and go take a nap. Once she was alone with the nymph she made a sweep over them for any injury only to find that there was a fine faint line across their neck. Thorn must've been a Survi that was taken in after some sort of attack, this gave Tiana the idea to check for the Fever just to quell a horrible feeling in her stomach. She took their left hand in hers and looked for a good place before digging her nail into it and drawing blood with a sorry sent Thorn's way. She watched as the blood that touched her bubbled and hissed. With a deep frown she healed the wound she inflicted to where no one could tell that something had happened there. She sighed dots connecting in her mind, why didn't she see it sooner? Various questions filled her head while she worked on her hair, getting out the dust and twigs and leaf bits from it and rebraiding her hair into corn rolls, muscle memory guideing her moreso than her being deliberate about it. When she was finished withher hair she took in a deep breath before waking up Thorn. Who, once awake, looked around frantically looking for something. 

"Thorn, I know." Tiana quietly said holding their face in her hands making them lock eyes with her. "Being around me confuses you, maybe even hurts, right?"

Thorn nodded their heart racing.

"Can you tell me how long?" Tiana held nothing but concern in her eyes.

Thorn nodded then shakily signed, "Since when I first saw you." They used the slower movements Mother used to teach children who wander into the Nymph Wood.

"I see. Thorn, your blood holds a treasure that can kill if not taken care of soon. But the process of taking care of it may be a great discomfort to you and I wish that it wasn't so. If I could help you without taking away who you are I would have done it immediately, which is why I'm leaving it up to you.  Since I'm the stongest Drak and I'm the closest one to you and there others here on top of that you may have only a week left before you pass. I understand that this is the worst news to get at the moment, so you may tell me your descision after you've thought about it. Until then please lean on me for absolutly anything, my duty to you as the one responsible for your condition is to provide what comfort I can." Tiana had bowed her head to them not being able to stand looking in Thorn's confused and sad eyes any more.

Thorn gently guided her to face them. "There is none responsible. Baba wrote only as the Council of Fates have made happen. You were the one I saw for a reason." They signed once she was securely paying attention.

"But Nymphs can't go through the process without suffering being ripped from Gaia. It will only bring pain." Tiana was getting misty eyed.

"You are just like a child getting sad for their friend. Even if I were to leave this world for another I will still be with Mother. If I were to go to the stars, she is with me, even if I became something else." Thorn signed with a gentle sad smile.

"I'll leave you to decide then." Tiana took a deep breath to steady herself before she began to stand.

Frustrated that their point didn't get across, Thorn pulled Tiana into a kiss. They felt something warm in their throat and a deep relief at the same time. A creaky voice sounded from their mouth in a small. "I didn't say no." once they pulled away.

Tiana stayed still for a beat before blushing so deeply she almost fainted from a mix of surprise, embarassment, and relief from not having to watch another innocent person die because of her. 

"Y-you should rest. It takes some time before the symptoms fully go away. You need only say my name and I'll be here as quickly as possible to bend to your need or whim." She avoided looking at them while attempting to hide her face leaving once a firm nod came from Thorn.

Anthony stood outside her door with a smirk plastered on his face as he thought about the agony this news would cause Oberon. Oh the sweet sweet revenge. 

"So when can I expect godchildren?" He asked once he saw her step out of the room her face still flushed earning him a swift jab to the side.

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