Chapter 1

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Tiana stood in the ring with her commander and aunt. This was the final spar for her as General Hemacor, Living Fire. Her millennium of service was up and she could take her rite as heir apparent to the throne, but first, a tradition is to be upheld. The Spar was to prove that she is, in fact, the firstborn. Swords made of magic and fire are the weapons. And the throne was the stakes. Crashing of magic could be heard in Keriichii as the spar wore on. Hour after grueling hour. The Spar only came to an end due to the shrewdness of the heir. A dust cloud flew up from her feet and the hilt of the sword being thrust from the Admiral's hands and the free hand of the challenger using a ward against fire over her mouth.

"You've succeeded, niece." A muffled voice came from the Admiral.

"A good fight as usual Admiral." Tiana removed her hand and eyed her aunt waiting for her to make a move to the opposite of her previous statement.

"Hemacor, you have proved yourself, not from sheer strength but from firm wit and nerves of stone. You may take your leave from the ranks at the end of your duties today and take your mantle as Crowned Princess." Admiral Keriicor, Powerful Fire, announced to the gathered crowd. 

Tiana and her aunt noted one person who was frowning, one of the triplets, the eldest of them. He looked as though he was going to speak up but was stopped by the youngest triplet who shook his head and gave him a warning look. Tiana sighed. They still haven't forgiven her. It was understandable, but a few hundred years was a longtime to mourn a loss that nobody had control over.

The admiral watched her nephews, her successors, stare daggars into her niece when she had an idea.

"Hemacor, you've passed the test of strength. It seems some question your constitution and your determination as the heir. Will the commanders of the harem step forward?" The triplets made their way to the arena.

The middle one caught on to what was happening and stayed back by the fence once he was in.

"Now a match between siblings. The rules are very simple, don't try to kill each other. And the loser gets to muck out the royal stables by themselves, all of them. Hemacor, be gentle, His Highness will not take kindly to them being near death." She made her way to the fence waiting for some declaration of courage to come from the men.

"Admiral, I cannot endanger the safety of the Harem by harming their guardians. I shall be the one to muck out the stables." Tiana sheathed her sword and began making her way to the stables causing the surrounding spectators to go on their merry way

"General! Fight me!" Bren, the eldest called out in anger which made a few of the more hotheaded soldiers still around glare at him.

"She's practicing her wisdom brother, she's at a high disadvantage since the fire ward she used drained her energy." Wren, the youngest quietly reprimanded his brother.

Bren growled before swallowing his pride and smirking, "Another day then."

"You two better have those stables mucked before the general gets there."
Admiral Keriicor appeared next to the two brothers out of seemingly nowhere.

"Why? She forfeited the match." Bren grimaced.

"Bren, you idiot! You insulted her infront of almost an entire complent that is under her command." Fen growled as he neared his brothers.

Bren dawned a look of a kicked dog once it got through his head.

"Besides, we owe her more than you dare know." Wren hummed as he quickly transformed into his dragon form to make his way to the stables quicker.

Keriicor watched as the other two albinos followed suit taking off after their brother. She rolled her eyes at the three of them before nodding to her right hand man leaving  what she could in his capable hands to go find Tiana.

Keriicor, Anyana, found her neice in her quarters looking around at the small room, a solemn look in her eyes.

"Brier had the same look in his eyes when he passed his trial." Anyana hummed as she leaned against the doorframe. "Ruth would be so proud."

"Thanks, Aunt Ana, however what of father?" Anyana could swear that the look in Tiana's eyes shifted to something uncertain and pained.

"If he isn't proud of his favourite mate's only child then he isn't deserving of the title of king." Anyana's face remained calm and relaxed while her voice became a harsh bite.

"He still blames me for her death." The princess slumped to the ground in a crouch.

"Kaja came to you after the you woke up in the infirmary and the triplets were deemed safe. She reminded you over and over that it was not your fault, Kala didn't befriend you to be a crutch to your psyche, gods know she's met your mother by now and they're both so happy that you are their mutual investment." Anyana walked over to her side and crouched with her. "Your father is just a bull headed old coot who doesn't wish to admit his own faults. He blames solely himself for both deaths which is why he stopped trying for more spares after the triplets were born by your flames."

Tiana took a deep breath. Then stood.

"If you will excuse me, I'm going to the infirmary."

"Kaja is on duty today, she should be able to see what's happening and take you to a more secluded part of the infirmary so that your troops don't catch wind." Anyana stood with her to leave but a hand on her arm stopped her.

"Help, please." Anyana nodded a reply  and walked with her.


Oberon loomed over the elf in the infirmary eying his wounds something didn't feel quite right about the man he saved from death, something to do with his magic. Something about it wasn't Elven, he couldn't exactly put his finger on it.

"Keep staring and you're going to bore holes through both him and the bed." Kaja sideyed the faerie.

Before he could retort, Tiana and the admiral entered the infirmary. He knew from past experiences the only thing he could do was to offer a comforting hand to her. Since she didn't notice him, he saw no need to inject himself into the situation. However he watched as Tiana was made to sit on a cot in one of the working alcoves and noticed that she was shaking slightly. He cast a glamour on them to give them privacy from the other people in the large hall.

His eyes snapped back to the elf as he was awake and confusingly watching the fae.

"Who are you?" The rather handsome elf asked.

"Who are you?" Oberon tilted his head in the manner of a dog when it wishes to see better.

"Viscount Rowan of the southern lands." He tried to sit up, "I'm here to honor the agreement that my people have with the royal family. I'm here to become part of the Crowned Princess's harem."

"Her first mate must be human, as that pairing will be the most fertile for her. Either way she will not have a harem until she obtains the throne as is the practice." Oberon stopped him and pushed him back onto the bed.

"What of you?"

"Me? I'm her soulmate." He snapped his fingers and made him rest again.

"Oberon?" Tiana's voice sounded as he looked up to meet her gaze with a smile.

"How have you been Tia?" He stepped toward her but stopped when he saw her expression. "Another time then."

Oberon swiftly left the infirmary after nodding a goodbye to the trio of ladies.

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