Chapter 28

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He was back again.

I could hear him, smell him.

For a moment he just sat there and I knew it was to torture me. To make me dread what was coming. To make me wonder and run wild with all the worse imaginings possible. It was working.

I could indeed imagine what was in store for me. I'd been privy to some very horrific visions over the years and I knew what men like Donald Haydens were capable of.

Tanya said he was a nasty man. A drunk. An unsociable lay-about. Did she know just how malicious he was? Had he done something horrible to her or her girls and that's why he was no longer in the picture? Or had this man just got worse over time.

Is that what happens to alcoholic arseholes who hate people and the world in general? Over time they just become cold, hearted, and capable of unspeakable acts. No, someone like him would have this evil in them all along. I am an alcoholic arsehole and there is still no way I could be capable of the things this man was doing or was planning to do.

I wondered how long he'd sit there, breathing heavily so I knew he lingered nearby, then he nudged me with his foot. Hard.

"You awake, bitch?"

I mumbled through my gag and that was satisfactory enough for him, so he took the blanket off me. He began to speak, enjoying every word he uttered.

"I'm not going to uncover your mouth this time because I don't need any answers from you and I don't wanna hear you speak. I am going to tell you what breaking into a man's house is going to get you. A punishment fitting for the crime.

'You know that fantastic movie you saw when you wandered on into my house under the assumption that I had my own daughter in here doing unholy things? Well, I didn't make that movie – I'd love to give it a go someday, but I don't have the talent for the filming and the editing side of things. I do, however, have a friend who is very talented in this field. He made that movie you caught a bit of before I knocked you out. It was good, hey?"

I started to struggle, although I knew it was pointless. I wasn't stupid and I didn't need a premonition to see where this story was going. What punishment he had in store for me. I had no idea how I was getting out of this but I had to. I couldn't become one of the victims like those who were in the dreams I was tortured by.

Donald chuckled nastily at my reaction and kept on talking.

"Well, my talented friend has said he will not only give me a good wad of cash for a lovely like yourself to star in his next movie, but he's going to let me co-star with you.

'Oh, look at you squirming around there. It's so clear you're as excited about this as I am. But you know what – my buddy can't come to see me until later this afternoon, so that means you and me get a bit of time to rehearse our parts for the movie."


The chapters are much shorter now as tension builds towards the end. Hope you're enjoying the ride and please make sure you hit that star to vote if you like what you read. Ta-ta for now, but not for long!

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