Chapter 4

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"Hi, Kaylah."

"Hi, Cam," she replies, trying to contain her extreme excitement at the sight of him. Camden Laurence, to her, was the best looking guy in the entire school, and lately, he'd be paying Kaylah a lot of attention. Attention she relished.

"How you doing?" He asked, leaning casually against the tennis court fence with cool indifference.

"Great. You?"

"Yeah, great. So, I heard you're having a party for your birthday next month?"

"Sure am."

"Sweet sixteen. Great. Am I invited?"

"Um, yeah – of course."

"Can I bring my friend, Jayden?"

"Sure. I think that should be okay."

"Sweet. Can't wait. Catch ya later, Kay."

"Bye Cam."

Camden Laurence flashed Kaylah a cheek dimpling grin, bounced away from the chain-link fence, and walked off, leaving her and Marcy standing by the tennis courts where they eat lunch every day.

The two girls were barely able to hold in the excited squeals that desperately fought against the backs of their lips, dying to burst out of them.

"Oh crap, he so wants you," Marcy said, gently shoving her best friend against the tennis court fence.

"I don't know," Kaylah said, smiling so hard her face hurt. "Maybe he just wants to come to the party. He probably thinks it's going to be all wild and stuff, like with alcohol and everything—which it won't be."

The smile fell off her face, worry replacing the excitement she felt. Buzz-Kill the troll stomping on the butterflies in her stomach. What if that was what he expected? What if when he shows up and finds it's just a bunch of lame teenagers, sober as nuns, he laughs in her face and leaves?

"Don't be stupid," Marcy said, puncturing Kaylah's worry bubble. "He is into you. It's so obvious, and he's going to that party of yours because he wants to see you all dressed up and sexy looking. And besides, who said there can't be alcohol there?"

"Ah, my parents, that's who," Kaylah replied, the duh tone emphasizing what Marcy already knew.

"Well they're not going to be there until midnight, are they? I could quite easily get Jazzy to get us a carton, or a couple of bottles of something—for the right price that is. That sister of mine is a pain in the butt, and I'm the bane of her life, apparently, but one thing's for sure, we know how to bribe, bargain, and negotiate with each other to keep each other happy—most of the time."

"I dunno, babe. What if things get out of hand?" Kaylah said although she was seriously considering it. How awesome would Camden think she was if he showed up to the party, and she welcomed him with a drink.

"Things will not get out of hand, hun. We'll have everything under control. It's not like there will be loads of people there, and everyone who is going to be there are our good friends. They won't screw up."

Kaylah tried to keep a serious face, but there was a guilty excitement within her, knotting up her stomach, and forcing a smile onto her face.

She'd never gone against the rules before. She had always done the right thing, and if breaking the rules was on the table for any other reason than to impress the boy she was head over heels for, she wouldn't have even considered it.

Camden Laurence, however, was worth the risk.

"Ok, let's do it," she said.

Marcy began to hop up and down thrilled and Kaylah almost felt like joining her but didn't. She was excited but still a little nervous making that decision.

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