Chapter 2

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They landed with a crash in the living room of the burrow. There was mixed shouts of "Move your fat ass!", "Get the fuck of me!", and "Get your knee out of my rib!" Once they untangled themselves, they realized there were wands pointed at them.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" asked Sirius.

All of the kids stared in awe. In front of them was Sirius Black, Remus Lupin,  and Mad-Eye Moody. 

Teddy spoke first. "First, could you tell us what year it is?" The three adults looked confused.

"It's 1995." Remus told them. "Put your wands on the ground and roll them towards us."

The kids did as they were told and one by one rolled their wand towards the adults. 

"Why did you need to know the year?" Remus asked. "We time traveled from 2021." Teddy told him. "How can we trust you?" "You can use Veritaserum on me."

"Sirius. Go call Dumbledore. Tell him to bring Veritaserum." directed Mad-Eye. Sirius nodded and left the room.

A Few Minutes Later

Sirius walked in the room with someone behind him. It was Dumbledore. All the kids from the future looked faint. Dumbledore smiled and said "You must be the kids from the future." They nodded their heads. "Which one of you will be taking the Veritaserum?" Dumbledore asked.

"I will." Teddy answered. Dumbledore took Teddy in the kitchen to ask him some questions. They came back in the living room. 

"They are telling the truth." Dumbledore announced. "You should introduce yourselves."

"But wouldn't that mess with the timeline?" Lucy asked.

"Our memories will be erased before you go back." Dumbledore told them.

"What do you want us to tell you?" Teddy asked.

"Your name, age, house, and anything else you want us to know." Dumbledore responded.

"I'll call the kids down." said Molly. She called the kids down and explained everything. Once everyone was settled, Teddy started.

"I'll go first." Teddy said. "My name is Edward Remus Lupin but I go by Teddy. I am 23 years old, I was in Hufflepuff, and Head Boy. I am also dating Victorie."

"Who are your parents?" Sirius asked.

"If you couldn't already tell, my dad is Remus Lupin. My mom is Nymphadora Tonks!"

Remus looked like he might faint. Tonks, on the other hand, looked like she might explode. 

"I told you I'd wear you down sooner or later!" Tonks yelled. She engulfed Teddy in a big hug.

"I told you you'd find someone, Moony." Sirius told Remus. Remus nodded and got up to hug Teddy.

After they broke apart, it was Victorie's turn. "Hi. My name's Victorie Weasley. I'm 21 years old, I was in Ravenclaw, and I have two younger siblings. As Teddy already said, we're dating."

"If you're a Weasley, why are you blonde?" Ron asked. 

"Ronald, you can't just ask people why they're blonde." said Hermione.

"It'll make sense later." Victorie told them. 

Next was Dominique. "I'm Dominique Weasley. I'm 19 years old, I was in Gryffindor, and I am the middle kid between my siblings."

Then Louis went. "My name's Louis Weasley. I'm 17 years old, I'm in Gryffindor, and I'm the youngest of my siblings. Our parents are Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour."

End Of Chapter

Hello! Thanks for reading chapter 2. This is really bad so if you got this far, Congratulations! Comment, vote, and follow if you want. Updates are probably gonna be slower than normal because school just started. Have a good morning, noon, or night. - TheSilverMarauders 

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