Chapter ten Two wolves

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Chapter ten

Two wolves

“Is it done yet?” Titus lifted himself up, so he could see the the nearly finished wolf.

“No.” I pushed him back into the water with my foot. 

He groaned before continuing to swim from one side of the pool to the other. Thankfully, he wasn’t doing the backstroke. I had brought Titus a swimsuit to wear, but he had promptly thrown it into the bushes the moment I had given it to him.

“Are you finished yet?” he called.

“If you’d stopped bugging me, I probably would be.” I had restarted three times during the past few days. I finally had one that looked halfway decent, and the anxiety of messing up had me scared to make any big move. 

Titus went back to swimming and splashing around, getting me wet each time he passed. I swear, he was the size of a linebacker, but acted like he was five sometimes.

“Aden,” he whined. 

“Not yet. Calm down.” I just had the tail to do minor adjustments to. One more cut and it would be done. “Aw!” I dropped the wolf and grabbed my thumb. A red stream trickled down my arm.

Titus was at my side in seconds. “Is it deep?”

“No, I just nicked it.”

He moved in close beside me and pried my hand away from me. I was reluctant to give it to him, but strength was on his side. 

“It’s not too deep.” He poured water over it to wash away the blood. 

A small line could be seen along the edge of my palm. It looked deep to me.

His eyes met mine. “You’re going to have to trust me for a moment and not freak out about personal space stuff.”

I scowled at him before giving him full control of my hand. Leaning down, he softly began to lick my the wound. I shot up straight, every hair on end, but somehow managed to make myself not jerk my hand away. It was a weird sensation that in time melted away the pain, and with it, I began to relax. 

“There.” He kissed my palm and sat back. 

I reclaimed my hand to only see a red line where I had once been bleeding.

“It wasn’t very deep at all,” said Titus as he sunk back into the water. 

I pressed my fingers against the wound, and it felt perfectly fine. “What did you do?” I asked, as I stepped into the water and located the wooden animal. 

“Stop the bleeding, that’s all.”

“Oh,” I replied, confused. I moved toward him and held out the wolf. “Here, I’m done.”

He took it from me and examined it. With a large grin, he held it to his chest. “I love it, thank you.” 

“It’s a little better than the other one.” I scratched my arm, trying to shrug off his compliment.

“They’re both perfect.” He hurried to shore and produced the other figurine out of his shorts pocket. 

Making his way back to me, he placed them at the rocks. One was noticeably bigger than the other. After getting a better look at them in the light, I was rather proud of each of them. 

Titus pushed wolves closer to one another. “They go together.” 

“Yea, they do.”  

Titus sunk down in the water, so he was at my level. “Thank you for making them for me.” He scooted toward me.

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