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I don't think I'd ever taken such a long shower, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to step out. I felt so at peace, so relaxed. It was an exhilarating experience and was definitely much needed after all I'd gone through today. 

As I spun around to face the water and rinse the suds from my face, I heard a loud bang coming from what sounded like downstairs. Immediately my heart dropped, and I slowly opened the glass door to the shower to listen more closely. 

Nothing. Oh well.

Closing the shower door, I continued to scrub away at the dirt that had accumulated over my body; and once more I heard a loud bang from below. Fully shutting off the water, I stepped out of the shower and ripped my towel from around the towel rack. I don't know why I was so nervous, but I was shaking rather aggressively. My stomach felt like it had dropped to my knees and my skin was covered in goosebumps. I had a really bad feeling, and I didn't like it one bit. 

Wrapping my towel around myself, I slowly padded out of the bathroom and entered the master bedroom. I listened carefully, and nearly screamed upon hearing another crash. I snatched the landline from the bedside table, and quickly dialed for security at the front. It only rang twice, before a tired voice answered from the other end. 


"Hi, this is uh Samantha James. I was wondering if anybody else had checked in recently. I think somebody is trying to break into my house." My voice was shaky, and I felt myself growing more terrified as time went on. The man chuckled lightly, and reassured me that nobody else had come through besides myself. 

"Are you sure sir? I'm very paranoid."

"If you'd like I can still send a patrol car out there to be safe. I think there's one in your area." 

I smiled and sighed in relief. "Yes please. If you don't mind?"

"No worries miss. Somebody should be there shortly. Just show your ID and pass when he arrives." 

Thanking him, I ended the call and placed it back in its holder. I laughed at my stupidity, but jumped after hearing another loud bang. Taking a deep breathe, I exited the master bedroom and began to walk down the long hallway. It seemed to stretch on forever, and as I made my way down; I peered over the railing to the bottom story of the house. 

Again, I heard the loud bang and jumped back startled. I quickly ran down the stairs, and as I began to look around the foyer; I heard the bang again. It came from fairly close behind me, and ripping around; I peered into the darkness. The kitchen lights were completely off, so I instinctively turned them on. There was no way in hell you'd catch me in the darkness alone. 

Once more, the banging sounded off in the house but this time it was even closer. Grabbing a knife from the kitchen counter, I made my way to the backdoor where the sound was coming from. I switched on the porch light and couldn't stop from screaming as a figure scurried past my backdoor. I dropped the knife from my hands, and as they spun around; I sighed in relief. 

Opening the backdoor, I greeted the officer who looked just as shocked as me. "I'm so sorry officer." Waving me off, he greeted me a small smile. "No worries miss James." "Would you like to see my ID and pass?" I asked, clutching tightly onto my towel. The young man shook his head, and patted his jeans where I assumed his gun was. "It isn't necessary. I'm going to do another sweep around the house before heading out." Laughing lightly, I leaned up against the wall. "Did you figure out what the banging was?" Using his flashlight as a pointer, he shined it toward the back of the house. "Sure did. You've got raccoons. Nasty little critters got into something." 

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