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"Samantha, wake up." Someone began to shake me lightly and I peered an eye open. "What do you want Michelle?" I groggily asked, turning the other way so I wasn't forced to stare at her. "I'm leaving. I came to say goodbye." Shit. I totally forgot about that.

Kicking my covers from my body, I stood up and pulled my sister into a tight hug. "I'll miss you so much." She whispered to me. "I'll miss you so much more Mitch." She had equipped that nickname from the day she was born. My parents were expecting a son, and Mitch would've been the name given to him. I guess it sorta stuck with her, and we all found humor in it.

She laughed as we pulled away. "Make sure to send me a postcard, and if you meet any cute Italian guys, give them my number." As I winked at the end, she scoffed. "Yeah we'll see about that. Besides, I thought you were saving yourself for the Nialler?" Flipping her off, I followed her downstairs. "Just friends Mitch, remember that." "If you say so. I love you bug!" She screamed out to me.

Throwing our front door open, it closed seconds later. As I walked into the kitchen, my eyes met that of our kitchen microwave; for it displayed the timeNine-fifteen on the dot.

Pouring myself some cereal, I sat down at the island we had in our kitchen. I was quick to polish off my breakfast and I then headed back into my room, bumping into Dylan on the way.

"Watch where you're going!" He snapped, eyeing me. "Oh put a sock in it." I fired back. "Whatever." The two of us also fought a lot. As I rolled my eyes at the brunette, I suddenly remembered the texts from last night.

"Hey Dylan?"

Before he could close the bathroom door, he spun around and looked at me. "Hmm?"

"Why were you texting me form a burner number last night?" I was sure he was using one of those stupid apps.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as he leaned in the doorway. "I didn't?"

"Are you lying to me? I swear to god if you are I'll kick your ass." I threatened, raising a fist to add emphasis. He raised his hands in defense and shook his head rapidly. "I'm not, I swear. You can check my phone if you think I'm lying." "Fine. Where is it?" As he pointed a hand to his bedroom, I walked there. The bathroom door slammed shut, and I imagined he was showering. He was leaving for a weekend trip in just a few hours. Finding his phone on his bed, I skimmed through his texts. Sure enough, he was right. The last conversation he had was with his teammates when he woke up, and there was no history of him downloading any new apps.

Who was that then? Maybe it was Niall or Zayn trying to fuck with me.

Rolling my eyes, I tossed his cellphone back on his bed. I should probably be getting ready myself, the boys would be arriving soon.


It was nine in the morning and I hadn't slept at all. I was up all night just thinking about Samantha. Having her on a constant loop in my mind, led me to my secret room. My secret room was a smaller room that was connected to mine. It was intended to be a walk in closet, but that's not what I used it for. I only utilized half of the closet for its intended purposes, the other half was a little more personal.

At first I stored a small tv in there, accompanied by two beanbags, posters, and video games; but eventually that all changed.

Once my obsession began, I tore down all my posters, removed my tv, and kept my beanbags in my room. Instead, I hung up various pictures of Samantha. Some were just of her, others of our families on various occasions.

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