Part 7: A Dance with the Doctor

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Part 7: A Dance with the Doctor

There was a time when you met a man called the Doctor. He held your hand, and stole you away from your life. He promised you adventure, and never asked for anything in return. The Doctor would run forever in that beautiful box of his with you, but you knew he was like a flame: quick to burst, and sudden to flicker out. But how could you resist?

Life was just not the same without the Doctor. Time turned slowly, and each hour lapsed into another new day. He made life shine with fiery flames, a dazzling spectacle laid before you. Everything he touched burned gold and then disintegrated rapidly after. It was a short life surely, but you chose to dance with the Doctor.

You knew you were dying or changing, it was certainly something of that manner. So, it seemed that the day was ending and night was coming on sooner than you had predicted. Your time with the Doctor was ending.

You crawled amidst the shambles of the Cybermen factory. Where you were going you did not know.

Anywhere but here.

Each shuffle across the floor drained your already weakened body. You could barely muster to push your damaged body across the cold concrete. The floor was as cold as steel and metal exposed to the wintry chill. Shivering, you clawed at the floor until you reached a spot where there was no dismembered Cybermen.

Then, you stopped in your tracks and let your body collapse willingly. You didn't understand it, there was no wound, no bones broken, and yet you knew it somehow. Something was drilling through your stomach, and eating up your organs. Your shallow breaths quickened as you heard that mesmerizing melody again.

"Mom?" You croak out as your eyes water.

The volume of the lullaby raises as it crescendoes and echoes in the factory. There is no sign of your mother, she is long gone, and it pains you to think of this. Yet, the lullaby still plays. Maybe, it was just your imagination.

"Mom," You whisper again reaching out in the blank space.

He knew, I saw that look on his face.

Your thoughts turn to the Doctor as you hear the wonderful wheezing of the Tardis. It sounds like Christmas, and makes you smile. He had come for you, he wasn't going to leave you in the cold.

"Doctor?" You exhale slowly as you watch the man take slow, sad steps over to you.

His expression is heartbreaking, you had never seen it like that before. Had he been crying? You couldn't tell for certain, but his eyes creased with something you couldn't place.

Finally, he knelt beside you and took your hand in his.

"Ava, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," his voice broke slightly as his eyes ran over you.

"I'm so scared Doctor, and it's gotten so cold, I-I don't understand. We--we were going to go on an adventure. I thought-" You shuddered as your limbs turned into deadweights. They felt as heavy as steel, and you could not move them.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't know. Ava, you're turning into a Cyberman." He placed his hand on your face gently and looked down at you with a loss for words.

"But, you saved me, I was free. Remember? We were free, you thought I was brilliant. I-"

You turned as pale as a white sheet. You felt the changes already beginning to form. The metal melded long bracelets upon your smooth skin turning you into steel. There were certain patches of metal grazing your arm that looked like armbands some android would wear.

"Ava, I never saved you. All those years ago, you ran away, that's why you forgot. Ava, they used you. The Cybermen implanted memories of me into you. That's how you knew everything about me, you were my trap Ava. Little Ava, it is my fault." He looked at you like you were a child again.

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