Chapter 21: Jealousy

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A/N: Thank you for reading!  I love to see that my story is becoming popular, even if it's just by a little bit.  I want to issue a challenge, however.  My birthday is March 1.  I would love to have a total of ten fans by then.  It would make my day to know that my story is truly liked and appreciated.  I would also love to see some comments!  Thank you so much for reading!


It was now nightfall.  Bree and I had busied ourselves with the books I aquired.  Only a few more minutes until I see Sidney Lynn, I thought to myself.  I was excited beyond reasoning.  I had thought about her every day since we met.  Faerie.  That's what she was.  In my entire life I had never even imagined faeries were real.  Then again, I never imagined vampires were real. 

The phone suddenly sprang to life, trilling out it's default tone.  I quickly answered.

"Hello?  Sidney Lynn?"  I breathed.  "Hi Fred!  I'm so happy to hear from you again!  I'm right outside the gate of the park.  You and Bree come on out.  I'll drive you to my place.  We can talk then."  Sidney Lynn replied.

Bree and I ran the two miles through the forest.  It only took us minutes what would take a human an hour.  My heart leaped when I saw her.  Before I saw her, I smelled her.  She smelled wonderful.  Just like an ocean breeze.  Crisp, salty, and sweet at the same time.  We embraced one another in a hug that lasted about a minute.  Bree cleared her throat, which interrupted our reunion. 

"Pardon me, I'm being rude.  Sidney Lynn, this is Bree Tanner.  She was part of the group I was created into.  She's not like the others."  The girls looked at one another with weariness.  If I didn't know any better, they seemed to be slightly jealous of one another.  Sidney Lynn had a romantic sort of jealousy, while Bree had a sibling sort of jealousy.  I stopped myself from laughing.


Sidney Lynn took us to her apartment.  There, she offered to let us shower.  While Bree was in the shower, Sidney Lynn and I caught up with one another.  She explained to me how her parents passed away, which left her to run Leanan Resort.  "You two can stay there if you'd like.  I know for a fact that I have two rooms free."  She smiled at me.  It was then that I noticed her teeth were just a tad bit pointier than normal teeth.  It wasn't something normal humans would notice, and if they did, they would think that she needed slight dental work.  I was surprised that I hadn't noticed before.

"Sidney Lynn, you've told me about myself, but what about you.  What exactly are you?"  She laughed before answering, "I am a faerie.  Faeries, like witches, have an affinity towards different elements.  I happen to have an affinity towards water.  I am most comfortable near water.  Faeries don't eat, nor do we sleep.  We can eat, but it's tasteless and provides no nutrition.  The magic from our element provides all the nutrients we need."

At that moment, Bree walked into the living room.  "Fred, bathroom's all yours."  She told me.  As I went to get cleaned up, I heard Bree ask her, "What all do you know about vampires?"


When I came back into the living room, Sidney Lynn and Bree were laughing and talking.  The over powering smell of acetone filled the air.  "Ha ha ha!  Glad you decided to join in!  Would you like to have a manicure, too?"  Bree giggled.  I smiled and said, "Looks like you girls had fun.  Next thing I know, you girls will be having a slumber party and talking about guys."

That comment caused a fit of giggles to escape from both girls.  I loved the way Sidney Lynn's eyes lit up.  I decided that I should leave the girls to their fun.  "Bree, Sidney Lynn has offered to let us stay at Leanan Resort.  I'm going to go back to the campground and retrieve our things."  The girls looked up at me with laughing eyes, smiled, and bid me farewell. 

It's going to be a long night, I thought to myself.


I pondered the turn of events.  It was just last week that we were practically being held captive by Riley.  That made me think of Edward.  I thought to myself, it sure would be nice to have some men around. I gathered our belongings and went to the front desk.  I explained to the man that we weren't going to need the grounds anymore and recieved the refund from the generous deposit I had left him. 

I returned to Sidney Lynn's apartment.  They were watching 21 Dresses.  Ugh!  I groaned in exasperation.  The girls looked up at me.  "Hey, Fred!"  Bree greeted me.  "The movie's almost finished.  I've had so much fun!" 

I then looked at Bree.  She looked a little odd.  Slightly dazed, in fact.  Maybe she truly was happy to be around another female that she connected with.  I still didn't understand the dazed look in her eyes, though.  It was like she was charmed or drugged.  I brushed that thought off my shoulders and sat down on the large, comfortable chair.  I took out one of the books and began to read. 

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