You're Apart of the Uncool Kids Club

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Coles POV-

     Zane sat in front of me, not moving an inch just staring at me. At first it was comforting but after 15 minutes it's just freaking me out. I got control of my breathing and I felt a lot better but I was so flushed from embarrassment, who knew that the guy I li-.. I'm interested in, would be the same person that sees me have one of my "episodes".. as my dad would call them. Yikes..
     "Are you alright?"
    His voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I gave a small nod, through my arms that were holding my knees to my chest. I looked up and sighed, digging my face into my knees.
    "Yeah.. I'm good... sorry.."
     "What do you have to apologize about? You had a Panic attack, those are nothing to be sorry about. I should apologize on the behalf of the teacher and the students. Sorry."
    I smiled, hearing that, for some reason made me laugh. It was just so weird. I love it. Zane tilted his head in confusion.
     "Hm? What's so humorous?"
     "Sorry, I just, thank you, haha"
     He looked away from me, and nodded. His face a slight dust of pink. I felt so much better around him.
"I honestly really needed that.. just to be taken out of that class. Damn, if you weren't so nice, I don't even know what would have happened. So, thank you, really."
He got out of his crisscross and walked over to me, squatting down to my level. Gazing into my eyes, my face heated up as he was probably only a couple inches away from my face. I held my breath. After what seemed like 5 minutes, he smiled and patted my head. Oh my fucking... ninjago! My chest was pounding and my Emerald eyes practically had hearts in them. He chuckled
"You don't need to thank me, but I do appreciate it. I hope that you know that whenever you need assistance you can always come to me... friend..?"
Zane hesitated on that label. I think he felt nervous about asking for something more personal. I smiled and nodded,
"Yeah... friend"
He smiled so brightly, I was almost blinded. Geez, well I guess I'm stuck with this guy. I still felt the pressure of his hand on my head and I "Ahmed" and looked up to where his hand was and he immediately pulled it back.
I chuckled and nodded. Zane pulled himself up and lended me a hand, I looked around the halls, no one. Alright. I grabbed his hand and let him pull me up. I nodded a thanks and dusted myself off fixing my hair back to its emo position and pulled my headphones around my neck and hooked them up to my phone. A process I was very used too. I turned around to go back to class but the bell rang loudly through the halls and I already could hear the kids go for the door. I stepped back and let them go through looking down.
Some kid passing me hissed under his breath. I just glared and started walking to my next class, Zane right behind me.
"That wasn't very nice"
He whispered, I looked up at him and let a half hearted smile play my face.
"Yeah, if you stick around me, I don't think people will be nice to you either.."
My eyes wandered away, I felt bad. I didn't want his experience in another school to be shitty because I decided to drag him down to my level. Me and my friends aren't really what you would call popular.
I felt a small bump into my shoulder
"Hey..! Woah! You look horrible"
I looked to see Jay right next to me. I heard a small noise from Zane, probably about to say something but I chuckled.
"Damn, thanks, quite the supporter"
He laughed
"Well I mean, I-I have to be honest. But really are you okay, did you have a panic attack? You have that same dazed look in your eyes after one of those happens."
"Ah you know me so well"
"Oh no, are you serious? are you okay?
"Man, if it wasn't for Zan-"
I turned to look at Zane but he wasn't behind me anymore. I frantically looked around, no where. Shit. I sighed.
"Well, Zane helped me out by taking me out of the class and sitting with me."
Jay smiled,
"Wow! The new kid? that's really nice of him, who knew that someone would actually help, I honestly thought everyone that enters here became the devil and all of them were just out to get us, but guess having a new kid around is really cool because they don't know how the system works and how we are the most unpopular-"
Jay kept on but I understood where he was coming from. No one helped us here, if we got bullied that was it. We only had each other. But that's why classes where we are separated are the scariest parts of the day. We are hopeless. A lost wolf that wandered too far from the pack. I sighed and put my headphones on letting one ear free so I could still listen to Jay.
Let's just get through this day.

~ANOTHER CHAPTER!! Woah!! In a short amount of time! Amazing honestly haha! Nah but I'm actually excited now about writing and I'm really excited to work on this. I want to work on my dialoguing since I'm writing a graphic novel right now and I need to figure out how people talk! So tell me what I can improve on or what is good about it :) thank you!! ~



Heart Beats:  Glacier Ship (Cole x Zane) - NinjagoWhere stories live. Discover now