Dinner at a restaurant

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After The moms, Callie and Mariana left Judge Wilson's house, they called an uber. Callie and Mariana had been looking at each other just like they did at Judge Wilson's house, cause they saw and heard something that seems off with the moms. And since Mariana had been walking into moms talking earlier, she saw that there was something going on between the two of them. Since they weren't close to each other, and had asked what was going on. They just answered her with "nothing." But knew somehow that they were lying, cause Lena was sitting on couch and Stef was standing a little far from Lena. That's when Mariana realized that there was something huge going on between the two moms, and got out of the room.

She immediately looked after her sister to inform her on the moms, but Callie was not that scared of them filling for a divorce. Mariana decided to just let it be at that moment and to watch them, when visiting Judge Wilson. As the visit was half though, Mariana went to fill her glass again and was joined by her moms. They asked about Jamie, cause they were curious if he was with Callie. Because that was what Judge Wilson said when there was given toasts earlier.

Stef thinks that Jamie and Callie doesn't fit well together, he looks sweet to Lena. Stef says that she didn't say that. Lena says that they probably have a lot of things in common. Stef just offered her personality opinion and asks "May I now not have my own opinion?" That's when Mariana jumps in and asks "Seriously, what is going on between you two?" they just answer with "Nothing." but she knows better than that.

Right before their Uber driver came, Callie had taken Mariana away from the moms, cause she saw and heard how they were talking and looking at each other. Right now Callie was getting a little bit scared of them splitting up. They decided that at would be best to inform Brandon, Jude  and Jesus, so they weren't going to ask about their relationship. They said that they weren't going to ask about it, but was getting a little scared too. That's when they heard the moms calling their names, to tell them that the Uber driver had arrived.

When they arrived outside of the restaurant they saw that Brandon, Jude, Jesus was already there and had been waiting for a while. They gave the girls the look to tell them that they were going to see if they could get any information out of them. The girls just nodded their heads, while the moms is looking curiously at them, thinking that they are up to some trouble.

Getting interrupted by the waiter, he asks "What can I help with?" Lena and Stef both answer "A table to seven people, please." the waiter says "Alright, come with me." and they begin to follow with him over to a table to seven people. The moms aren't sitting together. Stef is sitting with Brandon and Callie, while Lena is sitting with Jesus, Jude and Mariana. They talk about life itself like they always do, work and relationships or someone they are falling for. And when they suddenly ask about how Stef and Lena is doing there is silence for a while, but when Stef was about to open her mouth to speak she got interrupted by the waiter with their food.

Stef feels angry and sad, so she tells the family that she needs to go to the bathroom. But lied and is on her way outside to get some air, because it got too much for her in their with her kids and her wife. Brandon notices that his mom has been in the bathroom for a long time now, he look over to the other kids. And tells the others that he's also going to the bathroom they all nod their heads, and goes in to the bathroom.

Outside of the restaurant Stef is sitting at ground crying, she doesn't know what is going on between her and wife. All she knows is that ever since Lena started running for office, it has caused some issues between them and Stef had expressed an opinion that contradicted Lena's. Her campaign manager, Cindy, freaked out. Lena did not defend her wife. Stef can see that Cindy is changing how Lena looks, The hair is straighten she's also wearing a suit. She doesn't know who Lena is anymore.

Inside the restaurant there has been silence ever since Brandon left the others. Jesus, Callie, Mariana and Jude all just looked at each other with their eyes, telling each other that it looks very seriously what is going on with the moms. Suddenly the silence is broken by the waiter "How's the food?" they answer him with "It's good."

When Brandon is done in bathroom he's looking outside to see if his mom is there, and that's when he sees Stef sitting on the ground all alone looking at the cars that drives though. He immediately goes outside to talk to his mom about what is going on, but when he gets to her he can see that she has been crying for a while now. All he can do right now is to be there for his mom, and to comfort her. After a while of crying in his arms, Stef pulls away from the comfort and asks "What are you doing out here all?" Brandon ask "I could ask you the same thing." Stef answers "I needed some air. What's your excuse?" Brandon answers "I was in the bathroom when I realized that you were gone to long. Why have you been crying, mom? Is there something going on between you and mama? Is that why you guys aren't sitting together?" Stef says "No. it's just work. Mama and I haven't found time for each other after work, cause when I get home she's already asleep and also her running for office." Brandon can see that she is lying, but decides to just let it be, at this moment. Stef says "Let's go back in." Brandon heads towards the door so that he can open it for he's mom. When the others hear  a known voice, they look up to see if it is Stef and Brandon. It was them.

Stef ask Jesus and Jude if she can sit with their mama, cause she misses being with her. They nod, and looks at Brandon who is confused as well, not understanding what is going on. The rest of the diner is going just fine as the moms talks to each other, Stef had whispered in Lena ear that Brandon was asking about their relationship. But she had denied that there were something going on. While the kids is talking about their jobs with each other sometimes looking over to their moms to see, if there were some signs that could help them figure out, why they weren't telling them.

When it't time for paying the bill, Brandon takes his wallet out and looks for the money it costs, when Stef says "No, honey. Let mama and me pay." Brandon puts his wallet away again, and Stef and Lena picks up their wallets and pays for the food. When they got out of the restaurant, the girls and also the moms hugged and said goodbye to the boys. Right before Brandon left, he pulled Callie and Mariana aside from the moms. He told them to go home, and figure out what was happening and try to fix it. He then said goodbye to his moms and left. 

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